ASN and BSN Nursing Degrees

ASNRegistered Nurses deliver various treatments, care, counseling, and health information to patients. They’re educated, trained and certified in a multitude of abilities and areas; however, they don’t come from the same educational nursing path.

You will find 3 primary methods to get your Registered Nurse license. You can get it via diploma, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree programs. It’s highly suggested to obtain your RN through the associate’s or bachelor in nursing degree path because of the tighter competition in the nursing field nowadays. Employers prefer nurses with degrees rather than diplomas.

If your goal is to become a registered nurse you can either take an ASN or a BSN degree.  An ASN degree can be completed in less than two years while a BSN degree may require 4 years or more. If you took the diploma path, you must take another course to be able to qualify for the NCLEX.

The ASN graduate can work early since it takes 1 to 2 years earlier than BSN to be completed. Both the ASN and the BSN may start in the same position once they get a job. The difference between the ASN and the BSN path is that the BSN has more advantages in terms of career opportunities after graduation and getting the license. Once the BSN licensed nurse gets in position, he will enjoy a bigger salary as compared to the ASN licensed nurse.

You’ll hear lots of people say that there’s no difference between the two in terms of opportunities. However, the upgrade and advancement in the healthcare system require registered nurses to have the more complicated skills which are already learned by BSN licensed nurses. If you want to finish a year sooner, or maybe save on the tuition you may prefer the ASN course.  However, if you have the chance to obtain the BSN now, then it will be a much better option for you.

Choosing an Online ASN Program

Generating a diploma on the internet is becoming a lot more popular. The versatility of web based classes offer great benefits for a student. Individuals searching to obtain an ASN degree online can make use of the benefits and versatility a web-based training program needs to offer. When getting your ASN online degree, you complete the non-clinical courses online. Clinical classes should be completed in a hospital. You will find no online ASN programs which let you fully complete your degree online.

To locate schools that provide an ASN degree online, you will have to perform a little research on the web. Among the reliable search engines like Google, enter in the key phrases that may help you find schools you are looking for. At the minimum, you need to enter in the words “Associate of Science in Nursing Online.” You may even wish to enter in the name of the state or states that you’d like your program to stay in.

The internet search engine will provide you with links to a lot of online schools. Spend some time visiting the links to ascertain if they provide what you’re searching for. You will find a number of things you should think about when determining which school fits your needs. Discover if this program is really a work on your personal pace program or a treadmill that actually works by semesters. A work on your personal pace program will help you to just do that – finish the work on a pace that best suits you. Many programs, however, are structured and also have semesters just like a traditional college. Find out when you are able start. Some online programs have moving enrollment, meaning you can begin at any time. Others possess a designated start date.

Pros and Cons of an Online ASN Degree

An ASN degree is nearly as good as those of an LPN or perhaps an LVN. An ASN degree is really a two-year program structured to pay attention to direct abilities and proper care of healthcare management. The positive thing a good ASN degree can give is that it caters mainly to individuals who’ve financial restrictions. It is a quick course and considerably reduces any more costs making it less expensive when it comes to becoming a nursing professional. This course directly prepares graduates to supply care to patients in hospitals, long-term care facilities, or perhaps in doctor’s offices. Focusing more about technical abilities, an ASN degree is regarded as the stepping stone for nursing candidates considering finishing their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

Cons – Being Internet Savvy – Online education doesn’t really require someone to be technically savvy, however, fundamental internet abilities for example chatting, surfing the internet, and so forth are essential to get around together with your classes on the web.

Online Discussion versus Class Lecture – You will find some students who find out more with an active class lecture as opposed to just a web-based discussion from the lesson. Within this situation, if your face-to-face interaction with a teacher is required, a web-based program might not meet your needs.

Web Connection – Since much of your ASN courses are carried out online, you will have to possess a steady web connection. These are some of what you have to bear in mind when enrolling in an ASN degree online.

Pros – Online Degree – Using the ease of generating your ASN degree online, you will not have to sacrifice time for you to travel to school. It can save you time for work, family, and focus just by needing to log online to gain access to your classes. Another convenience for generating your nursing degree online is that you could complete your classes at your own pace and time.

Faster Programs – With faster programs you could have your previous courses credited to be able to inch up you nursing degree. If you are already working, you could have your clinical hours integrated in the program’s curriculum.

Online Options – With numerous accredited college options online, you will not have a difficult time finding one which suits your program needs.

Associate of Science in Nursing Benefits

Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) is really a tertiary education nursing degree. Within the United States, this kind of degree is generally granted by community schools or similar nursing schools. Some 4 year schools offer this degree. Students granted an Associate of Science in Nursing are capable of taking the NCLEX-RN and make an application for licensure like a RN. Some hospital-based nursing schools that granted degrees and diplomas changed their curriculum to provide associate levels. Many nursing schools offering a bachelor’s degree have “fast-track” programs make it possible for practicing nurses by having an associate’s degree to earn a bachelor’s degree in roughly 2 yrs. In certain institutions this more commonly known as “Bridging.”

An Associate of Science in Nursing degree provides you with fundamental technical nursing abilities.  You’ll be ready for entry-level positions in giving bedside care, more frequently in hospital settings, extended and acute care facilities.  You’ll be ready to work directly with patients struggling with common health issues and help others achieve an optimal degree of wellness.  An ASN education prepares nurses to make use of critical thinking in the use of the nursing process as the problem solving method of nursing care.  Additionally, you will be ready to continue your education and work toward a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

The Associate of Science in Nursing program enables students to become a RN and make money more rapidly than the usual 4-year BSN program, therefore it works more effectively for a lot of students. The Associate of Science in Nursing program may be the access point for technical nursing practice. This nursing degree is among the quickest ways to become nurse. Finishing an Associate of Science in Nursing can prepare graduates to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) to become RNs. An associate degree program typically shows students how they can perform patient checks and fundamental health care responsibilities.

RN Education at Distance Learning Systems

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If you become an RN, you will make an average of $23,420 more per year.* And that does not include the generous sign-on bonus that frequently comes along with the title.


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*Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook, 2010-2011 edition