Top 10 Reasons Why to Take College Courses Online Before High School Graduation

In today’s fast-paced world, education has become essential to an individual’s life.  It is no secret that a college education opens numerous opportunities, but it can also be costly.  Luckily, there is a way for high school students to gain an advantage in their future endeavors while saving money and time.


Taking college courses online before graduating from high school is an excellent option that has recently gained popularity.  Let’s discuss why someone should take college courses online before high school graduation:


  1. Get A Head Start on Your College Education

One of the most significant advantages of taking college courses online before graduating from high school is that it allows you to get a head start on your college education.  You can earn college credits that transfer toward your degree program by taking online college courses.  With some college credits already under your belt, you can graduate faster and save money on tuition and other expenses.  Taking college courses online before graduating from high school and getting a head start also allows students more time to take internships during their college and jumpstart their careers.  Plus, some students who take college courses online before graduating from high school have maintained a specific grade point average to preserve scholarships or other financial assistance.


  1. Greater Flexibility and Convenience

One of the primary benefits of taking college courses online is the flexibility that comes with it.  Online learning offers greater flexibility and convenience than traditional classroom-based education.  High school students can work at their own pace and choose a schedule that works for them.  This flexibility allows students to balance their academic workload with extracurricular activities, family commitments, and part-time jobs.  Additionally, online courses can be accessed from anywhere, making it easier for students to fit their studies into their busy schedules.


  1. Save More Time and Money (Lower Costs)

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can save students time and money.  Online courses typically have lower tuition fees than their classroom-based counterparts, and students can save money on transportation, accommodation, and other expenses associated with attending college in person.  Additionally, online courses can be completed faster than traditional courses, allowing students to complete their college education faster and enter the workforce sooner.


  1. Get Exposed to College-Level Curriculum

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school can expose students to college-level curriculum and coursework.  This can help students better understand what college-level coursework entails, which can help them prepare for the rigor of college coursework.  This advantage can also help students decide if a particular field of study is the right choice before entering college.


  1. Develop Essential Skills

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can help students develop essential skills beneficial for their future careers.  Online learning requires self-discipline, time management, and effective communication skills.  Employers highly value these skills, which can be developed through online learning.  Students can develop these skills early on by taking college courses online before graduating from high school, giving them a competitive edge in the workforce.


  1. Explore Career Options and Different Fields

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can help students explore different career options.  Online courses offer various subjects and topics, allowing students to discover their interests and passions.  This can help students make informed decisions about their future careers and choose a major that aligns with their goals.  This can also help you broaden your horizons and discover new passions.


  1. Improve College Admissions Chances

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school can also improve students’ chances of getting accepted into their preferred college or university.  Admissions committees look for students who have demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to learning.  By taking college courses online and earning college credit, students can demonstrate their academic abilities and show that they are ready for college-level coursework.  This can help them stand out from other applicants and increase their chances of acceptance into their dream school.


  1. Build Important Connections

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school can also help you build important connections with other students and professionals in your field of interest.  Online courses often include discussion forums, group projects, and other collaborative learning activities, which can help you connect with other students who share your interests and goals.


  1. Access To Top Universities and Professors

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school exposes you to online learning platforms that often partner with top universities and professors to offer high-quality courses and learning materials.  This means you can access world-class education from the comfort of your home, regardless of where you live or what school you attend.


  1. Build A Robust College Application

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can also help you build a strong college application.  Colleges and universities look for students who have challenged themselves academically and demonstrated a commitment to learning.  By taking online college courses, you can show colleges and universities that you are a motivated and dedicated student eager to learn and succeed.


Taking college courses online before graduating from high school is an excellent opportunity for students to get ahead, save time and money, develop essential skills, explore different career options, improve their college admissions chances, and so much more.  Online learning offers a flexible and affordable way for students to earn college credits and gain valuable experience, setting them up for future success.


Written by:  Justin Hart

How to Balance Family, Work, and School While Taking Online College Courses

Balancing family, work, and school can be challenging, especially when taking college courses online. Juggling multiple responsibilities can often lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. However, it is possible to balance these three aspects of life with a bit of planning and effort.


Here are seven tips on balancing family, work, and school while taking college courses online:


  1. Create a Schedule and Stick To It

One of the most effective ways to balance family, work, and school is to create and stick to a schedule. List all your commitments, including work hours, class schedules, family obligations, and study time. Create a daily or weekly schedule that allows you to manage your time efficiently. You can use a planner or a digital calendar to keep track of your plan and set reminders for important deadlines and appointments.


  1. Prioritize Your Tasks

When you have a lot of responsibilities, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. To avoid this, you need to prioritize your tasks. Start by identifying the most important tasks that must be done each day, such as attending classes, completing assignments, and spending time with your family. Then, prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will help you focus on the tasks that require immediate attention and avoid wasting time on less important tasks.


  1. Set Realistic Goals

When you are juggling family, work, and school, it is essential to set realistic goals. Be honest about how much time you can dedicate to each task and set achievable goals. For example, if you have a full-time job and a family to care for, it may be unrealistic to aim for straight A’s in all your classes. Instead, focus on doing your best and balancing your academic and personal commitments.


  1. Communicate With Your Family and Employer

When you are balancing family, work, and school, it is crucial to communicate with your family and employer. Tell your family about your academic commitments and the time you need to study. Make sure they understand the importance of your education and how it will benefit your family in the long run. Similarly, inform your employer about your class schedule and any changes in your work hours. This will help them plan your workload accordingly and ensure that you have enough time to complete your assignments and attend classes.


  1. Take Advantage of Online Resources

You can access a wealth of online resources when you are taking college courses online. Take advantage of these resources to help you manage your time and stay organized. For example, you can use online tools such as Google Drive or Dropbox to store your class notes, assignments, and other important documents. You can also use productivity apps such as Trello or Asana to keep track of your tasks and deadlines.


  1. Stay Motivated

When juggling multiple responsibilities, it can be easy to lose motivation. To stay motivated, remind yourself why you pursued a college degree. Think about the benefits of education to your career and personal life. You can also join online study groups or forums to connect with other students and stay motivated.


  1. Take Breaks and Practice Self-care

Finally, taking breaks and practicing self-care when balancing family, work, and school is essential. Taking regular breaks will help you recharge your batteries and stay focused. It is also crucial to practice self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself will make you better equipped to handle the challenges of balancing multiple responsibilities.


By following these seven tips, balancing family, work, and school while taking college courses online is very possible.


Written By: Justin Hart

College Credit By Exam

The most popular examinations provided by credit by exam companies fall into the type of “general education and learning,” enabling learners to get credit for subjects such as college geometry and calculus or English composition and literature by passing standardized examinations, rather than participating a brick-and-mortar 101 class.

credit_by_examBetween these significant players and other credit by exam resources, there are actually a variety of core/introductory, course-distribution and even significant need programs that learners can check off by passing an examination vs. seated through the comparative course at the school in which they are enrolled. Given that examination prices are a portion of educational costs, credit by exam is an attractive choice for learners looking to reduce costs by finishing a four-year degree program in just three years or less.  And universities are starting to work with learners enthusiastic about discovering solutions to four years of tuition-paid registration as a means to bring down the increasing cost of higher education.

Students considering this choice should keep in mind that CLEP and other college equivalence examinations are much like a complicated final examination that comes at the end of a well-taught course. So, learners need to get ready (ideally by actually studying the content vs. just cramming) through separate study or registration in an online classroom. In theory, one could get an entire degree by just taking examinations (with some companies providing to help you get around your way through the thicket of who provides and who allows what with respect to college credit).  But, credit by exam does illustrate an opening for getting more MOOC classes associated with authentic college credit (presuming some advanced MOOC company, examination designer or other business owner can find a way to make this a practical option).