The NLN Accreditation’s Significance

The National League for Nursing (NLN) compose a group of nursing advocates such as educators, agencies, and other member of the public, dedicated to the success of the nursing education. The NLN has another entity that is responsible for accrediting nursing schools and programs – NLN Accrediting Commission. Various nursing programs get accreditation.

Nursing schools thrive to have NLN accreditation since it assures their students that their programs meet a or exceed criteria and standards for nursing education. Aside from this, accredited schools have across the country have been known for the large percentage of graduates who pass nursing licensure exams. Thus, employers hire nursing staff from accredited schools since they know these graduates are highly competitive and acquire the necessary skills.

Although accreditation is a sign that a nursing school is in line with quality standards, they may have a chance to loose this valuable validation. That is why schools need to maintain their commitment to the nursing education success.

When considering a nursing school, it’s important to consider an accredited school. Non-accredited programs may not qualify you for financial aid. Also, when you graduate, your employment opportunities may be limited. Employers may hire a nurse from an accredited school, if they had to pick between the two of you. Also, graduates from non-accredited schools may not have a chance to work for the government.

You may wonder, where can you find nursing schools that are accredited? Searching online through the NLN’s official website may help you find a number of schools within your vicinity. Also try to search for schools with candidate status. Candidacy is the first step that leads to NLN accreditation. So when schools offer candidate programs, they’re preparing for accreditation.

National League for Nursing: Striving for Excellence

The National League for Nursing was founded with a vision to promote excellence in the nursing education. They encourage nurses to be educators of the new generation of nurses. NLN identifies itself to be a leader in the Nursing Education which strives to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce of the nation and the global community.

With this goal at hand, it is understood that the National League for Nursing wants to give those nurses in education several opportunities for advancement in their profession. By doing so, NLN  continuously designs and creates initiatives that will develop and promote the nursing faculty. This gives nursing professionals the motivation to work as a mentor to the new breed of nurses.

The role of the nurses in the health institutions does not revolve around the patients alone. They also have responsibilities that encompass the facilitation of  learning of the nursing students. Every profession in every generation needs a mentor. And to become an effective and inspiring mentor, a certain organization is needed to make opportunities for development. The NLN has seen this and has responded to the need of the nursing educators. Hence,  they have established objectives for the betterment of the nursing faculty and the nursing education institution.

When nursing educators affiliate with NLN, numerous opportunities await them. Other than faculty development programs, NLN has become the voice of nurse educators and support them in  their interests  in politics, academic and professional practice. NLN also initiates to promote evidence-based teaching practices which opens privileges for further study and research. Presently, the National League for Nursing has outlined numerous professional opportunities for nurse educators like educational research grant, write or review items for NLN tests, immersion programs, courses and workshops and many more. Check on their website to learn more about the National League for Nursing.

Nursing Education Grants

nursing_educationIn its pursuit to back up extensive, high-quality studies that promote the growth of the technology of nursing education and learning, the National League for Nursing has put out its yearly call for suggestions. The NLN’s Research in Nursing Education Grants Program, which started more than several years ago with $12,000 to spread among worthy health professional faculty-scholars, today awards more than $80,000 yearly, with financing from the NLN and the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education.

In addition to three named research grants, the Nancy Langston/Ruth Corcoran, Joyce Griffin-Sobel and Dorothy Otto Research Awards, two prizes are made specifically to doctoral/DNP candidates: the Jane Angel Rizzolo NLN Dissertation/DNP Project Award and the Midwest Nursing Research Society/NLN Dissertation/DNP Project Award. All grantees must be NLN members or a member of the school at an NLN-affiliated school or college.

To be qualified for assistance, grant suggestions must meet at least one of the NLN’s research priorities for 2012-15, defined in a document accepted by the NLN Board of Governors. With a particular focus on changing nursing education and learning for the modern nursing care environment, these main concerns fall within three wide categories: 1) Leading Change in Nursing Education; 2) Improving the Science of Nursing Education; and 3) Creating National and Worldwide Management in Nursing Education. Awards will benefit multi-site, multi-method tasks that include relationships between practice and educational learning surroundings. The due date to publish programs is Feb 20, 2014.

Dedicated to quality in nursing, the National League for Nursing is the top company for health professional staff and leaders in nursing education and learning. The NLN offers professional growth, social media opportunities, examining services, scientific research grants and public policy tasks to its 39,000 individuals and 1,200 institutional members. NLN associates represent nursing teaching programs across the number of college and nursing care companies and organizations.