The NLN Accreditation

To determine if an educational program meets the professional standard, an evaluation process is done by an outside body. This evaluation process is called an accreditation. Most schools or programs seek accreditation because it tells of the competence of the school or the program. One of the national organizations that has an accreditation entity is the National League for Nursing (NLN).

The NLN is a membership organization for nursing faculty and leaders in education. Part of it is the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) which is the entity that is responsible for the accreditation of nursing education schools and programs. The NLNAC website has a detailed information on a wide variety of nursing programs that has specialized accreditation the NLNAC is responsible for, including clinical doctorate, master’s, bachelor’s, associate’s, diploma, and practical programs.

The NLNAC accreditation serves to provide assurance that schools and nursing programs meet or exceed certain standards and criteria. Nursing schools or programs that have an NLNAC accreditation are able to improve through self-evaluation. The accreditation also helps programs recruit students, assures employers that graduates have competent skills, guide students in their job and education choices, and helps students be eligible for financial assistance from government sources.

Not all schools or programs in nursing have an NLN accreditation. So students who choose to attend non-accredited programs may not be eligible for financial aid. Non-accredited programs may not be transferred as well when students decide to change programs or further education. And the worst, students may have fewer job possibilities if they attend non-accredited programs, especially in the government.

The NLN accreditation done by the NLNAC is an important factor in considering a nursing school or program. Aside from it serving as proof that a program is following professional standard, an accreditation also has benefits that students attending the program can take advantage.

Nursing School Accreditation: NLNAC and CCNE  

The emergence of nursing programs everywhere is the way to answer the influx of nursing students. Nursing schools are struggling to accommodate the growing number of nursing students that is why many nursing programs seem to be popping up all over. With so many options, one way for students to identify a quality nursing program is through national accreditation. Nursing programs that have national accreditation are assured to have achieved established goals and meet expected standards and outcomes because accrediting bodies will hold them accountable.

While it is not required for a nursing student to be in a nursing program that is accredited by the NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) or CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education)  to take the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Exam), there are advantageous points for students to be in an accredited nursing program. Accreditation with either the NLNAC or CCNE can affect the student’s financial aid eligibility. If the program is not accredited, the student may not be eligible for federal or state financial aid, employer tuition reimbursement programs, scholarships, or grants.

NLNAC and CCNE have similar criteria and standards. However, the difference is the accreditation periods between individual schools and programs. The type of programs being accredited is also another difference between the accreditation organizations. CCNE only accredits bachelor and master programs while NLNAC accredits all types of nursing education programs. It includes undergraduate (practical, diploma, associate, and bachelor) as well as graduate (master and clinical doctorate) programs. The list of programs accredited for both NLNAC and CCNE is posted in their respective websites.

Knowing this information, it is important to use caution when selecting a nursing program to be in. Accreditation is one aspect you should consider in a nursing program. Which accrediting organization is the program accredited and why did they choose the particular body?

NLNAC Accreditation, A Sign of a Good Nursing School

There are so many nursing educational institutions, so many degrees and so many stages to train and learn. In addition to educational costs, how can you tell which ones are quality nursing schools? Here are tell-tale signs to look for. The best way to discover the following details is to first look at the college’s web page. Some can be hard to get around. Use an online search engine if you cannot find a particular product. If you still cannot find it, contact them and ask for the admissions person. Use this record to “interview” your university. They should be beneficial and offer the details easily. If they are unhelpful or reluctant, that can be an idea to the overall culture of the school.

NLNAC1. NCLEX Passing Rate – Every student health professional has to take a national examination known as the NCLEX to lastly get certified as a health professional. Examine the college’s rate of learners who pass the NCLEX. Every school should have it either released or revealed easily if you contact them. If they are reluctant to tell you, that is a red flag.

2. Accreditation – Accreditation is a nationwide “stamp of approval” for a college. A graduate from an approved university is able to transfer or continue their education in other educational institutions. It can also be an indication of the great quality of training and learning you will get. The two programs that accredit educational institutions are the NLNAC (National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission) and the CCNE (Commission on College Nursing Education). The CCNE is only for bachelor’s and master’s degree levels, while the NLNAC may accredit at any stage. Look at the college’s web page or ask them straight to make sure they are accredited by one of these companies.

3. Class Size and Retention Rate – Is it a big university or a small school? What is the common class size? And most of all, how many learners make it all the way through in one try? This is probably one of those things you will have to call and ask about. A higher failing rate can mean a few things. Nursing programs are usually challenging. That isn’t a bad thing, since you will be better ready for the NCLEX. However, be careful if they have too great of a failing rate. They might not be beneficial enough to their learners.

NLNAC Accreditation Levels of Demand

NLN Approved Nursing Schools are those schools with nursing programs that has been thoroughly evaluated by and reach the standards of the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC. For over 100 years, ever since 1893, the NLN has been dedicated to quality and nursing staff in universities and others who provide nursing education, Nursing care organizations and even members of the public, continue to trust and prefer the NLNAC completely because of the high requirements it constantly maintains. The National League for Nursing or NLN is the first nursing company in the United States. Apart from offering accreditation for programs through the NLNAC, such as degrees, and associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degree, the NLN also offer networking opportunities, research grants and community policy projects. Located in New York, the NLN keeps providing enhanced, improved and extended services to its members.

NLNACWith such great requirements and over a millennium of genuine quality, an NLNAC accredited nursing school will certainly be an excellent company. The assurance is given that the universities and also the programs meet and/or exceed requirements that are regarded the standard for the supply of nursing education. Educational institutions that are just being regarded for accreditation are regarded to be applicants, however, the fact that they receive candidacy from the NLN, is not an assurance that they will be accredited; this is the first step, and they might come up short of satisfying the requirements.

Furthermore, NLN Approved Nursing Educational institutions would have faculty with appropriate credentials, program that is maximum for the planning of a well-rounded, fully-educated health professional specialist, and a huge cohort of graduates that are effective in the licensure examinations. The aim of these accredited schools is to supply the medical care system with medical professionals that are knowledgeable and ready to provide quality care to the ill, injured and disabled; and health professional teachers who are highly capable of passing on the wealth of experience and knowledge they possess to the next generation of nurses.

Pursuing Accreditation Through NLNAC

When seeking accreditation or re-accreditation, there are many ways to handle the procedure. Because of the complexity of the accreditation procedure, it is crucial to consider how we may apply technological innovation to help handle the procedure. Whether it is interaction with stakeholders, handling amount of work for staff, or offering large amounts of information to the targeted traffic, there are 100 % free and easy-to-use resources that can make the procedure not only more controllable, but also improve the opportunities of a better result.

nlnac_accreditationUsing a distributed data file service (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive) can really help staff with handling several editions being used by several authors. Using an online survey tool often allows gathering data that is more controllable for members and researchers. Often times, these resources are also 100 % free. Having learners submit artifacts to an on the internet task selection tool in the learning management system will help create one location where examples can be saved. Having a USB drive ready for the targeted traffic allows with handling a number of different data file types, sizes and locations. Also, consider simple video clips as a means of describing and indicating how your system controls day-to-day functions. These video clips can also emphasize important features of your system such as simulator and group outreach.

Using technological innovation does not have to be complex and it can really improve the accreditation experience for all engaged. Whether it is NLNAC, CCNE, or Board of Nursing, you can apply resources at low price or no price to make your system glow. All baccalaureate, graduate, and residency nursing programs working under CCNE certification do so according to nationally recognized requirements. Nursing certificate, diploma, and professional degree programs working under NLNAC accreditation do so depending on the same requirements as well. And contribution in both is completely voluntary.

NLNAC Accreditation

The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) is a subsidiary of the NLN and is accountable for all actions relevant to the certification of nursing programs.  When seeking certification or re-accreditation, there are many ways to handle the procedure. Because of the complexity of the certification process of the NLNAC, it is crucial to consider how we may  apply technological innovation to help handle the procedure. Whether it is interaction with stakeholders, handling amount of work for staff, or offering large amounts of information to the targeted traffic, there are 100 % free and easy-to-use resources that can help make the procedure not only more controllable, but also improve the opportunities of a better result.

NLNAC-accreditationUsing a distributed data file service (e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive) can really help staff with handling several editions being utilized by several authors. Using an online survey tool often allows gathering data that is more controllable for members and researchers. Often times, these resources are also 100% free. Having learners publish artifacts to an on the internet assignment collection device in the learning management program will help create one location where examples can be saved.

Having a flash drive ready for the targeted traffic allows with handling a number of different data file types, sizes and locations. Also, consider simple video clips as a means of describing and indicating how your program controls day-to-day functions. These video clips can also emphasize important features of your program such as simulator and group outreach. Using technological innovation does not have to be complex and it can really improve the certification experience for all involved. Whether it is NLNAC, CCNE, or Board of Nursing, you can apply resources at low price or no price to make your program shine.

NLNAC Candidacy

The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission or NLNAC is accountable for the specific certification of nursing teaching programs (Clinical Doctoral, Master’s, Baccalaureate, Associate, Diploma, and Practical programs).  The Commission has power and responsibility for undertaking the obligations natural in the application of standards and requirements, certification procedures, and the matters, management, policy-making, and general management of the NLNAC.  The NLNAC is nationwide, identified as a specific accrediting organization for both post-secondary and higher degree programs in nursing education.

Candidacy is the first step toward NLNAC Certification. Nursing education models considering accreditation that get in touch with NLNAC are allocated a participant of the professional group as their tutor after qualifications specifications have been met. The tutor support is offered to accomplish system staff self-review and planning. Candidacy is offered after a group evaluation of a nursing education program’s prospective to accomplish NLNAC accreditation.

NLNACThe areas of group evaluation are the: Faculty; Curriculum; and Sources. Once a system has been offered Candidacy, it must search for complete accreditation within two years. A program Applicant may indicate the following to prospective learners and interested members of the public:

This nursing education system is an applicant for accreditation by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Candidacy position does not assure that a program will accomplish complete accreditation, which is offered by the Commission after a complete accreditation evaluation along with a visit by a group of qualified targeted site visitors.

The role of the NLNAC Mentor is to provide the nursing program with a specific contact person who will be available to them to deal with any questions about the process or the presentation of any NLNAC specifications. The Mentor is also available to evaluation drafts of Candidacy components and offer advice/assistance when needed.

NLNAC Accredited Nursing Programs

The National League for Nursing is the non-profit company identified by the Department of Education as the trustworthy accrediting body for nursing educational institutions. The National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC is the company that actually processes certification demands and acts on them. The nursing applications at major medical facilities, medical educational institutions and colleges and universities have generally managed certification for many. Many of the approved nursing programs are still at community colleges, since all that is required to be eligible for the RN examination is an associate’s degree.

Today, many nurses opt for a BSN in order to be eligible for a management role as their careers improve. In addition, the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC has approved a number of on the internet educational institutions for various nursing degrees. Some of the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC approved nursing educational institutions have developed quality on the internet nursing degree programs as an result of their university training.

NLNAC_SealAlthough it may seem unlikely, there are some medical programs that do not have NLNAC qualification.  They may have gained and then lost their rankings.  They may be a new university trying to obtain the accreditation.  Whatever the purpose, you should know that it will impact you if you choose to be present at their university.  If you think that it may be possible they will get it before completing your program, you could be in for a letdown.  Do not take any possibilities. The accreditation procedure usually requires a few years. If you graduate from a program while it is definitely in the accreditation procedure and it ends up getting approved after you graduate, your degree will count as being from an accredited program. However, if “working towards” accreditation indicates they might apply at some point, you will be a graduate of an unaccredited system, even if they gradually do get approved.

National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission Difference

The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission or NLNAC are two of the most identified accrediting organizations in the country. They are also two of the most significant organizations, often identifying qualifications for student aid or career practicality. Economical aid organizations simply will not finance non-accredited nursing programs and companies are not comfortable choosing graduates from non-accredited nursing educational institutions. To ensure nurses can secure sufficient educational funding and secure a job, both the CCNE and National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission encourage tight requirements onto a wide range of eligible programs. CCNE and NLNAC accreditation varies in the sense that the CCNE does not accredit LPN, Diploma, or ADN programs while the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission does.

National League for Nursing Accrediting CommissionAll baccalaureate, graduates and residence nursing programs operating under CCNE accreditation do so according to nationally identified requirements. Nursing certification, diploma and professional degree programs operating under NLNAC accreditation do so using the same requirements as well. And contribution in both is completely non-reflex.

The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission follows the same concepts and procedures as does the CCNE. The organization accredits about 200 new nursing programs per year and watches 1300 programs per year. However, being the earliest accreditation program of the two, it offers a bit more than the CCNE. While the CCNE apparently places most of its focus on implementing requirements for nursing institutions, the NLNAC combines the same educational requirements with unique undergraduate conditions. It also works much more closely with government requirements than the CCNE does. For example, the NLNAC is the gatekeeper to Title IV-HEA programs, which lets practical nursing and hospital accreditation programs participate in DOE or other federal agency programs. With such a close relationship with various government departments, the NLNAC is capable of providing a variety of undergraduate nurse assistance programs, not just financial aid programs.