Passing the CLEP Exams

The interactive methods of learning make classes that learners typically take as degree pre-requisites in the first two years of college is much more effective. Many learners use the CLEP exams as a way to skip through hours of tedious lessons. Not all educational institutions accept AP as a replacement college classes, understand basic facts and concepts, show expertise about research procedures and ideas, and apply a wide range of concepts and ideas to certain situations. Compared to conventional methods of preparing that are mostly lackluster and awkward, web based courses are more beneficial because it is automated and helps you gain valuable college credit.

CLEP_ExamsWhen you take CLEP exams, everything relies on how well you know the topic. In some cases, using a mixture of study formats is very insightful. In addition to understanding concepts, topics and language associated with the 13 subjects, the examinee must have comprehension, awkward because it is only the tip of the iceberg. The main group that benefits most on CLEP exams is the adults continuing their education.

Once the college student completes the CLEP exams preparation and gets a passing rate, they can take CLEP examinations without the use of tedious books or expensive tutors! Speed yourself over the course of your CLEP study; prevent cramming the night before, show up well-rested and be prepared to reap the reward of 12 college credits that can be used for your degree program. Some test prep programs makes you prepared in the quickest time possible. The very objective of a CLEP test prep is for you to review topics which may be all you need in order to get prepared. Practice your test taking abilities. Get to bed early the night before the exam. CLEP practice assessments are recommended as in comparison to CLEP research books because they are much more effective.

Difference Between AP and CLEP

Cost, accessibility, progression. All are great reasons to consider making higher education credit in your high school years. Advanced Placement and the CLEP are both subject-specific credit-by-exam programs provided by The College Board. DSST is provided by Parametric, another separate test-provider. College Board’s AP program was created in the 1950′s to provide a way for high-achieving kids to get a jump start on college work. In recent years, it has transformed into a huge program that gets to more than a thousand students each year. AP gets more advertising and is more well-known than CLEP because it is provided and promoted through public educational institutions. AP is recommended to high-achieving students as a way for them to show their educational ability and helps high schools increase their reputation. Examination content for both AP and CLEP is designed by a board of college teachers, many who sit on both test development committees.


CLEP and DSST examinations are considered as a method to show expertise of content often trained in starting college-level programs. Since they are not associated with a high school course or program, these examinations are not promoted or well-known in those groups. As separate students, grownups and home schooled students are taking these examinations at an ever improving rate. As they keep growing in reputation, the test suppliers have observed and are actively reaching out to the home school market.

There are as many resemblances as there are variations between the examinations, but the most noticeable distinction is their availability: AP is provided in May, CLEP and DSST are provided year-round. While some institutions will specifically take AP examinations, it has become typical for institutions to reward credit for CLEP and DSST as well. Planning for AP, CLEP and DSST allows learners to develop the study abilities and critical thinking that prepares them for the conversion to college. They provide learners the assurance that they can efficiently manage college-level work, and provide them a jump-start towards achievement.

The Right Way to Prepare for CLEP

The right way to study for the CLEP exam is by preparing through cost effective ways to battle the out-of-control spiral of higher education costs in the US and get a jumpstart on your degree. This can allow you to spend less on college tuition, paying out only $72 to take makes it more useful and less dispensable in their current profession. Therefore, they make available several CLEP study books that make it simpler. In other words, passing CLEP examinations indicates you are given college credit for knowledge you have already perfected.  The subjects covered on the CLEP test are the same subjects and no longer have to take certain general knowledge programs as a result.

Just remember to study hard and get ready well in advance of your date to obtain a good score on your first try of taking the CLEP exam. When you begin in on your preparation , keep in mind that you have to be smarter, each school or college recognizing CLEP examinations decides the ranking specifications and attributes provided. Students who fail a course can tend to take that course at a later time. This way, you can study for your evaluation using the questions offered by the preparation program. The time required for each undergraduate to get prepare for the CLEP test using a prep program is determined by the student’s capability and commitment.

Although learners may pay 100’s of dollars in educational costs and guides expenses obtained from this practice environment helps lessen testing anxiety. These automated examinations evaluate whether or not a student has knowledge of a subject to greatly benefit learners who wish to earn credits using these valuable examinations.