An LPN to RN bridge program is really a degree program that can help students move from being Licensed Practical Nurses to acquiring their Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Once this requirement is met, enrolling to have an LPN to RN bridge program allows students to pursue their BSN within four years, sometimes less. Obtaining a BSN will enable individuals to become an authorized Nurse (RN). Since getting a bachelor’s degree in nursing isn’t a specific requirement of becoming an RN, the advanced education will open new job possibilities. Furthermore, it can lead to significant salary increases.
Like an LPN, you are able to strengthen your abilities and get ready for a wider area of career possibilities by continuing your education and attaining a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). The LPN to RN bridge program follows exactly the same academic plan and needs like a traditional BSN program. A LPN to RN bridge program enables you to definitely receive full credit for those courses taken in the LPN program. Many schools require students to obtain their LPN before being accepted in to the program.
To be able to sign up for LPN to RN bridge program, you have to be a licensed LPN or LVN. Students must have a high school diploma or GED and become presently employed as an LPN. Some programs require an associate’s degree in nursing. Admission needs may also incorporate a nursing entrance exam, CPR certification or perhaps a criminal record check. Programs could be carried out in 4 years. An earlier associate’s degree lessens the time required to accomplish a BSN program. Most courses can be found online, even though clinical component is generally on-site. Many nurses begin their careers as Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) or Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) but to succeed, they require more education.