BSN Degree Overview

Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree programs provide students with varied learning conditions while planning them for career in nursing possibilities. Graduates are qualified to accept certification examination being RNs or pursue advanced education possibilities. The career in the nursing field is among the most popular employment industries in the United States. Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN) degree programs could be finished in 4 years. Sometimes, program newcomers with previous levels or completed nursing training may finish these programs in 2 years time with a faster education track. These programs can be found via colleges, schools along with other greater learning institutions. Finishing a BSN program allows graduates to become RNs, assume leadership nursing roles along with other positions of greater responsibility in healthcare or nursing education.

A lot of students entering schools, colleges, or universities must have completed a high school or equivalent education. Requirements for BSN program newcomers vary by institution and degree program as well as the opportunities for an LPN to RN bridge program that can be achieved with an accelerated online learning program. For example, some schools require no specific course requirements prior to being permitted to consider major training. Other institutions request their students have finished courses for example English, certain sciences, communications, social studies and philosophy or statistics. Others may need the conclusion of fundamental anatomy and physiology prior to being permitted to explore major courses.

BSN Degree

Registered nursing is among the quickest growing careers today. Based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), developments in medical technology as well as an aging population can help create a believed 581,500 new registered nursing jobs from 2008-2018. This can be a rate of growth of 22% for that period. RNs who’ve gained a BSN degree will love the finest interest in their understanding and abilities. RNs come in popular in underserved health care areas, for example inner metropolitan areas and rural areas. The BLS notes that the mean annual salary for RNs is $67,220 or $32.56 hourly. Nurses within the top ten Percent in yearly earnings made $95,130 or even more. In California, RNs gained an average annual earnings of $87,480 that was tops within the U.S. The state also employed more RNs than elsewhere in the United States, using more than 240,000 working RNs. Hospitals, health treatment centers and residential healthcare facilities are popular employment spots for nurses.