The Importance of Taking Required College Courses and the Benefits of Taking Required College Courses Online

When you embark on your journey toward earning a degree, you may wonder why specific courses are required, especially if they seem unrelated to your chosen field. However, these required courses are crucial in shaping you into a well-rounded and adaptable professional. The advantages and benefits of taking these courses online to earn college credit are also worth considering.


Why is it essential to take English courses?

  1. Communication Skills: English classes enhance your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Effective communication is indispensable in almost any profession, whether composing reports, delivering presentations, or collaborating with colleagues.
  2. Critical Thinking: Analyzing literature and complex texts in English courses fosters critical thinking and analytical skills. These skills are valuable for problem-solving and decision-making in any field.
  3. Cultural Awareness: Studying literature exposes you to diverse cultures and perspectives, enriching your understanding of the world, which is crucial in today’s globalized society.
  4. Research and Information Literacy: English classes teach you how to research, evaluate sources, and cite information properly—skills applicable to research or data analysis professions.
  5. Versatility: Strong English skills can be applied to various job roles and industries, opening doors to opportunities in writing, editing, content creation, or customer communication.
  6. Personal Growth: Engaging with literature can be intellectually enriching and personally rewarding, enhancing your creativity and imagination.
  7. Requirement for Well-Rounded Education: Many educational institutions include English classes as part of their general education requirements, ensuring students receive a holistic education that broadens their worldview.


Why is it essential to take Math courses?

  1. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Mathematics nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills transferable to various professions. Analytical thinking is invaluable when dealing with complex issues in your career.
  2. Quantitative Literacy: In today’s data-driven world, understanding math allows you to interpret and analyze data, make informed decisions, and communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, or stakeholders.
  3. Career Opportunities: Math skills can be valuable in unexpected places. Many professions, including business, healthcare, and social sciences, involve data analysis or financial management, where math proficiency is advantageous.
  4. Admissions and Graduation Requirements: Math courses often form part of general education requirements, demonstrating your ability to engage with diverse subjects and making you a more well-rounded graduate.
  5. Preparation for Advanced Studies: Whether in your chosen field or another, math skills can be prerequisites for specific graduate programs or can significantly enhance your qualifications.
  6. Life Skills: Math proficiency extends beyond your career, aiding in financial literacy, understanding statistics in media, and making informed decisions about personal finances.


Why is it essential to take Humanities courses?

  1. Critical Thinking and Communication Skills: Humanities courses encourage critical thinking and effective communication, essential skills in virtually any career.
  2. Cultural Awareness and Empathy: Exploring diverse cultures, histories, and perspectives in humanities classes enhances cultural awareness and empathy, vital in today’s globalized world.
  3. Contextual Understanding: Humanities provide context for the world, helping you make sense of current events, societal changes, and the broader implications of your work.
  4. Creativity and Innovation: Humanities can inspire creativity and innovation, even in fields you might not expect.
  5. Well-Rounded Education: Educational institutions include humanities courses in general education requirements to ensure students receive a well-rounded education, enriching intellectual and personal growth.
  6. Interdisciplinary Connections: Knowledge from humanities classes may complement or inform your primary field of study, fostering unexpected and advantageous intersections.


While required courses like English, Math, and Humanities may not seem directly relevant to your degree, they equip you with skills, perspectives, and knowledge that contribute to your overall personal and professional development. Embrace these courses as opportunities to broaden your horizons, enhance your adaptability, and prepare yourself for the obstacles and opportunities in your career and life journey. A well-rounded education is a valuable asset that can set you apart professionally.


What are the advantages and benefits of taking required college courses online? 

Online courses are becoming increasingly popular, particularly when fulfilling general education requirements. Taking your English, Math, and Humanities courses online can have several benefits and advantages.



  1. Personal Scheduling: Online courses often allow you to choose when and where you study. This flexibility can be a significant advantage for working adults, parents, or anyone juggling multiple responsibilities alongside their education.
  2. Self-Paced Learning: Many online courses offer asynchronous learning, meaning you can go through the material at your own pace. This feature allows you to spend more time on challenging concepts and skip ahead when you’re comfortable.



  1. Resource Availability: Online courses often have many resources available 24/7, including lectures, quizzes, and discussion forums. This constant access enables you to revisit material whenever needed.
  2. Geographical Independence: No matter where you are located, you can enroll in a course offered by an accredited institution. This accessibility breaks down geographical barriers that previously limited your educational choices.



  1. Lower Costs: Online courses can be more affordable than traditional classroom courses, as they often eliminate costs associated with transportation, housing, and materials.
  2. No Commute: Saving time on commuting reduces stress and saves you money on fuel or public transportation.


Technology Skills

  1. Digital Literacy: Navigating an online learning environment can help you acquire essential tech skills that are increasingly important in the modern workplace.
  2. Familiarity with Online Collaboration Tools: Online courses often involve collaborative projects and communication platforms, preparing you for remote or hybrid work settings.


Improved Learning Experience

  1. Personalized Attention: Many online platforms track your performance and adapt the course material to focus on areas where you need improvement, offering a more customized learning experience.
  2. Multimedia Content: Online courses often incorporate videos, interactive quizzes, and other multimedia elements that can make learning more engaging and effective.


Convenience and Comfort

  1. Study Environment: You can choose the study setting that works best for you, whether it’s a quiet room or a local café. This personalization can make your study sessions more effective and enjoyable.
  2. Zero Classroom Pressure: For some, the anonymity provided by online education can make participation in discussions less intimidating, allowing for a more honest and thorough exploration of course material.


Taking your required English, Math, and Humanities courses online offers many benefits that can complement the intrinsic advantages of these subjects. From increased flexibility and accessibility to cost efficiency and a tailored learning experience, online education provides modern solutions to traditional educational challenges. So, as you work towards a well-rounded, accredited degree, consider the unique advantages that online courses could bring to your academic and professional journey.


Written By:  Laura Knight