Educational Requirements to Become a Nurse

A person thinking about entering the nursing arena can become an RN, a licensed practical nurse (LPN), or a licensed vocational nurse also known as LVN. An RN needs to accomplish a proper education program and acquire licensure. Educational needs differ by the type of nurse you want to be. Just as one LPN or LVN necessitates the least quantity of formal education, year-long training course, while people thinking about studying towards becoming advanced practice nurses have to develop a masters degree program. Entry-level training for licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses could be acquired via 1-year educational programs offered by technical schools, vocational schools or community schools. LPN/LVN programs involve both lecture-type classes and hands-on clinical practice inside a hospital or clinic. Typical courses include anatomy, first-aid, diet and physiology.

To be able to become an RN, candidates must have gained at least an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). Finishing this degree program enables graduates to accept certification examination to become an RN. Common courses include anatomy, diet, adult care and medicine practices. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree programs allow student nurses to learn how to provide care and acquire experience in a medical environment. Common courses include human development and health care, nursing theory, chemistry and infant care. Another kind of RN, referred to as an advanced practice nurse, must finish a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program. Some MSN programs accept programs only from licensed RNs. Advanced practice nurses include nurse-midwives, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists and nurse professionals. Courses in graduate nursing degree programs vary since they’re usually centered on the field of concentration.

All nurses need to earn state licensure once they finish an academic program. A part of generating licensure is taking the NCLEX-RN exam that is distributed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), a nonprofit organization associated with regulating nurses within the United States. Other certification criteria might be needed for nurses by each state. Ongoing education credits are often needed for any nurse to resume his or her license.