Goal of ASN

The ASN program is designed to provide a well-rounded and balanced knowledge and its fundamental programs will present learners to a wide range of topics, such as interaction, social sciences, and natural sciences. This method has a challenging program, covering nursing devices, nursing management, nursing informatics, nursing basic principles, individual analysis, and medical practice. This program allows applicants signed up in the program, not only to have varied valuable skills but also to seek further knowledge within the medical care field.

The nurse is a respected member of the healthcare care team. Nursing is a science and art whose priority involves the life processes that efficiently affect the wellness position and reliability of persons, families and areas. Medical professionals not only treat people and work to advertise wellness and prevent sickness, but also educate people and the public about various problems. Medical professionals record patients’ healthcare backgrounds and symptoms, help perform assessments and evaluate results, operate healthcare systems, provide treatment and medications, and help with individual follow-up and recovery.

The objective of most ASN programs is to ensure that learners provide safe, qualified and thoughtful treatment to individuals in several treatment configurations. The ASN program also provides an educational alternative to those learners who are interested in this field and wish to engage in a higher degree upon commencement. The graduate of the program will be prepared to sit for the National Council for Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses Exam or NCLEX Exam.