A person who wants to be a paramedic must finish either a certification or a 2-year associate degree in paramedic technology. These programs are usually available at junior college and at technical schools. Typically, states have tight specifications regarding the training of paramedics, such as the number of credit hours needed to finish the training program.
The first step to choosing a paramedic school is to obtain a record of state-approved, associate’s degree and certification programs in paramedic technology. A record of accepted programs in paramedic technology can be acquired from the state in which a potential paramedic plans to work. Paramedic training degree and accreditation provide learners with a thorough background in anatomy and physiology, pre-hospital care and cardiac life support.
Students should also ensure that their system of choice includes a significant healthcare component and enables graduate students to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) examination. The healthcare experience includes working at medical centers and for emergency vehicle services that are associated with the community universities offering the paramedic technology training.
Clinical shifts are usually offered in the summer between the first and second years of registration. During the training, learners learn to deal with traumatic situations by managing their initial psychological responses to healthcare emergency situations. An obvious benefit to finishing a certification program in paramedic technology is the short amount of time to finish the degree program. Duration can range from one year to a year and a half. However, learners who finish an associate’s degree in paramedic technology have also finished all general education specifications, making it simpler to transfer to a 4-year school. Possible profession options include paramedic supervisor and administrative director and operations manager, says the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Often, a paramedic will choose to continue his or her studies and engage in a profession in nursing or another allied health area.