One of the ultimate goals of a nurse is to get a license to become a registered nurse. There are many RN classes you must take and finish to get the opportunity to take the NCLEX. RN courses are most frequently drawn in associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs in nursing. While both kinds of programs prepare students to accept National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) and obtain licenses to work as RNs, bachelor’s programs can lead to additional career possibilities in teaching, research and management. Some bachelor’s programs, particularly those offered online, have Registered Nursing licensure like prerequisite prior to enrollment.
RN hopefuls are required by some nursing courses. These RN classes may include anatomy and physiology, psychology and microbiology which are basic and must be fully understood by the students. An initial nursing course provides an introduction to patient care techniques which introduce students to the methods and approaches required to deal properly with patients. Students then learn how to perform health checks, provide medicines, supply patients with health and wellness advice, and supervise other medical professionals. Nursing students also gain hands-on clinical experience in the fundamental, intermediate and advanced levels in their program.
The following is the list of examples of classes students frequently encounter in an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program in nursing.
Medical-Surgical Nursing Course
This course provides a broad study of nursing practice which is focused on adult patients. The training covers the management of disorders in most major systems of the body including respiratory system, nerve, bone and joint and kidney disorders. Students also learn methods for taking care of patients going through surgery.
Mental Health Nursing Course
Patients with psychological disorders or mental illness require unique nursing care. Students within this course learn how to identify issues in mental health and develop both medicinal and psychotherapeutic treatment plans.
Health Promotion Course
A registered nurse role doesn’t just deal with patients but additionally, they are also required to promote wellness through healthy living. They will be providing info on diet and disease prevention that registered nurses can pass on to patients and also to groups of patients.
Nursing Pharmacology Course
Pharmacology courses acquaint nursing students about drugs and medicines that they’ll encounter throughout their profession. Students find out about drug classifications and effects, in addition to techniques in administration.
Once you finish the RN classes and the program requirements, you will be ready to take the NCLEX, get your license and start working as a registered nurse.
Yes I am interested in LPN to RN on line. I am currently a LPN for 15 years and need online classes so I can work at the same time. Do you do classes and test all on line and what about clinicals? I was in a online RN class but had to. go to school for test also had to do clinicals at hospitals. I then had to quit because I was dx. with breast cancer last year and it was too hard to do all this and work. I need to know what I have to do to get started. This seems like an easier way to get my RN.
I am interested in the LPN to RN online classes. I live in Alabama and would like some feed back from students who have gone through this program.