Study Buddies

Taking the leap to enroll in an online education program is a big deal! So congratulations if you’ve taken that step! Now that you’re in an online program, it’s time to think about a study buddy. Enrolling in an online school comes with an abundance of benefits. Flexible classes allow you to balance the day-to-day responsibilities you have, like your job and family obligations, while still earning a degree. Online discussion posts and staying in constant communication with your professor can be beneficial by motivating you to stay on top of assignments, but having one classmate to count on can help make studying easier. Have you considered finding a study buddy?

A study buddy is a fellow student who can help you stay focused, share notes with you, prepare for tests with you, and/or help you understand difficult concepts. Finding a study buddy when you’re taking classes online might seem difficult, but it’s not! Taking advantage of available technology like email, instant messaging, or video chatting can help you make a connection with your classmates. There are several things to consider when looking for a study partner:

Class Discussions – In a traditional classroom setting, the ideal study buddy may be the student that sits in the front, participates in discussions, and takes detailed notes. However, in an online course, it may be difficult to make these observations. So, watch the discussion posts to see who participates and the frequency of participation. Seeing who responds quickly, thoroughly and in-depth may just give you an idea of who is reliable and dedicated.

Your Goals – Before jumping into asking a peer to be your study buddy, first reflect on your goals. The reason you might need a study buddy could differ from your classmates. Try to find someone with similar goals, a similar major, or career interest. Or, try to find someone who excels in the parts of a class where you may be struggling. Also, don’t forget that you’ll be a study buddy too so knowing what help you can offer the other person is important.

Dependability– Putting aside what you may need assistance with within your class, make sure the study buddy you pick is dependable and will help you focus instead of being a distraction. Having a person cancel when you’re depending on them to study for a test or compare notes can not only be a disappointment but could set you back in your studies. Additionally, getting along and becoming friends with a study buddy is great – just make sure he or she is someone who also can concentrate well so you can stay focused on what’s most important.

Ultimately, a study buddy should help you excel in a class and better your grades/study habits. If they don’t, it may be time to find someone new. Earning a degree is a huge commitment and a major step to advancing or changing your career. Finding someone that is just as dedicated and can help you reach your goal can go a long way in helping you earn a degree! Study hard!