NLNAC Accredited Nursing Programs

The National League for Nursing is the non-profit company identified by the Department of Education as the trustworthy accrediting body for nursing educational institutions. The National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC is the company that actually processes certification demands and acts on them. The nursing applications at major medical facilities, medical educational institutions and colleges and universities have generally managed certification for many. Many of the approved nursing programs are still at community colleges, since all that is required to be eligible for the RN examination is an associate’s degree.

Today, many nurses opt for a BSN in order to be eligible for a management role as their careers improve. In addition, the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC has approved a number of on the internet educational institutions for various nursing degrees. Some of the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC approved nursing educational institutions have developed quality on the internet nursing degree programs as an result of their university training.

Although it may seem unlikely, there are some medical programs that do not have NLNAC qualification.  They may have gained and then lost their rankings.  They may be a new university trying to obtain the accreditation.  Whatever the purpose, you should know that it will impact you if you choose to be present at their university.  If you think that it may be possible they will get it before completing your program, you could be in for a letdown.  Do not take any possibilities. The accreditation procedure usually requires a few years. If you graduate from a program while it is definitely in the accreditation procedure and it ends up getting approved after you graduate, your degree will count as being from an accredited program. However, if “working towards” accreditation indicates they might apply at some point, you will be a graduate of an unaccredited system, even if they gradually do get approved.