Categories of Anatomy in Nursing

The study of Anatomy & Physiology is an integral part in the field of nursing. The main concern of anatomy & physiology is the study of organisms and their parts, as well as their uses. It is a field in medicine where functions of specific organs are studied and dissected.

Anatomy, however, is sometimes divided into three categories, namely: Superficial, Comparative and Artistic. These categories comprise much of the study of anatomy, but we will have to examine these types in relation to the nursing course and see why anatomy or even physiology should have its place in the nursing profession.

Superficial or Surface Anatomy
This study in anatomy concerns itself with anatomical landmarks that can be seen from the exterior. By looking into certain contours on the body, a nurse can diagnose a patient better by determining what goes inside a person. Superficial is a directional term, meaning that structures located on the surface have its roots within a person’s body.

Comparative Anatomy
This is anatomy that seeks to compare patterns from two entities, the gross and the microscopic, to see if there are discrepancies or abnormalities in its anatomical structures. By comparing it, nurses will be able to assess the state of their patient through patterns. These then may have some similarities or differences between the two.

Artistic anatomu
As the term suggests, this is a category in anatomy that aims to put explanation on patterns based on artistic reasons. The intangible, so they say, can have deep and diverse effect on people. Placed on a nursing perspective, this type of anatomy enables nurses to go beyond the conventions of medical care through artistic means.

These are a few of the many categories that can be associated with anatomy & physiology; studies that can integrate, and at times put emphasis, in the field of nursing.

Memorization Guidelines: Anatomy & Physiology

We all know the basic parts of our body, but we are not yet familiar to the internal parts of our system. There is no easy way to study the mind-blowing anatomy and physiology subject. This is a subject that will flood your brain with significant information. It also requires familiarization of every detail of the important parts of the body.There are some great ideas and techniques that can make your anatomy & physiology  learning process easier.

There are some great ideas and techniques that can make your anatomy & physiology  learning process easier. The first and basic way to familiarize the anatomy and physiology is to divide the concepts. Read and understand each vital system separately:

  • Nervous system
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Endocrine System
  • Urinary system
  • Reproductive system
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Integumentary system

The second way to understand the anatomy & physiology is by using simple images. According to study, Images frequently have all useful information when it comes to anatomy. If you find it hard to recall all of the body parts, review the  images instead of reading it. These pictures makes the subject much more understandable.

Making of own or medical approved mnemonics, acronyms and abbreviation can be helpful too. It will allow you to memorize the concepts easily. Sample Mnemonics, acronyms:

“Please Don’t Call The Angry Groom So Leave”: or PDCTAGSL:

  • Pampiniform plexus
  • Ductus deferens
  • Cremasteric artery
  • Testicular artery
  • Artery of the ductus deferens
  • Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
  • Sympathetic nerve fibers
  • Lymphatic vessels

Anatomy & Physiology Textbooks

Usually, nursing students study anatomy & physiology books in the first year. Though they study the books, understanding structure of the human body is quite tough for them. They rely on lessons of their instructors. After passing the first year, they do not need to study anatomy and physiology books for their educational programs. As a result, they forget the requirements very easily. But these textbooks are very good resources of information. If they regularly try to study these books, it will be easier for them to use the knowledge. These days, career of nursing is very essential for humankind. Nurses are the assistants of physicians. Sometimes they have to do a lot of essential tasks. Consequently, they need to know about anatomy and physiology. This textbook is the primary foundation of their nursing education.

Maybe you are starting college and you want to buy some books immediately? But, like most of the learners, you are on a limited price range. So, how do you go about purchasing the necessary books within your budget? There are a lot of choices available out there. So, one has to be skeptical about the offers that are made to him, while looking for inexpensive copies of textbooks like Anatomy and Physiology 9th edition and Microbiology 11th Edition, you need to consider a few things.

Anatomy of the human body and physiology is not that easy to understand. One would really have to understand each body organ and learn to discover how one can considerably impact the other organs’ features. Several techniques are made in educating the said topics. Traditionally, a teacher-students’ conversation in a class room setting will be noticed. These days, most learning organizations have also been starting to implement a lab where preserved parts of one’s human body or body parts may be found. This is one excellent way for learners to better appreciate the course. Movie or animation demonstrations will also be a great resource, aside from textbooks.

Anatomy & Physiology Study Tips

1) Study your course curriculum properly. Keep a duplicate of it handy throughout the term. There is a lot of essential info there that will make much more sense to you as the course continues, information that you will not keep in mind if you do not keep it handy.

2) Gather up your courage and talk to your trainer. Do it early in the term well before your first midterm examination. Knowing your instructor’s educating technique and what factors of the topic he/she feels are most essential will provide you with a jump start on getting a good grade in Anatomy & Physiology.

3) After the first or second class in your course, show your class notes to your teacher. Ask if you have written down the significant things. If not, ask your trainer for help in determining how to take better notes. Pay attention properly to what you are taught, even if you do not agree with it. Repeat back to your professor what you think you heard to validate that you got it properly.

4) Do not let what you think you know about anatomy & physiology get in the way of the ideas your teacher is teaching. Living in a connected modern world, you already have information your brain about anatomy & physiology. Some of it may be very precise information. Some of it may have given you incorrect opinions. Consider what you think you already know and cross check your information with your books, not Search engines. You will be tested for information as it is provided in your anatomy and physiology textbooks.

5) The first thing to do is to focus upon the words that explain alignment and orientation in space of parts of the body. Be particularly cautious not to mix up left and right. Our use of computer programs has taught us some habits. We left and right justify material on the display screen without thinking much about it, the reference always being our own left and right side. However, in anatomy, you need to always think in terms of the specimen’s left and right part.


Anatomy & Physiology Course Overview

You probably have a general knowing of how your individual body works. But do you fully understand how all of the complex functions and systems of one’s individual body work together to keep you healthy? The Anatomy and Physiology course will offer that understanding. By approaching the study of one’s individual body in an structured way, you will be able to link what you learn about anatomy and physiology to what you already know about your own individual body.

By taking this course, you will begin to think and speak in the language of the domain while developing the knowledge you gain about anatomy to support details of the physiological phenomenon. The course concentrates on a few approaches that, when taken together, offer a full view of what one’s individual body is capable of and of the interesting processes going on inside of it. The usual themes are:

  • Structure and function of one’s body, and the relationship between the two.
  • Homeostasis, the body natural propensity to maintain a constant inner environment.
  • Levels of Organization, the major stages of organization in the individual living thing from the chemical and mobile stages to the cells, body parts and body organ systems.
  • Integration of Systems, concerning which systems are subsets of larger systems and how they operate together in balance and issue.

Developed with best methods in applied learning concept, this course offers an active chance to learn for any college student in the form of pre-tests, adequate practice possibilities, 3D interactive pictures, walk-through video clips and other special tools and programs that will increase your understanding of anatomy and physiology. Eventually, your understanding of the material provided in this course will offer you with a firm base to discover careers in the health and fitness sectors.


Anatomy & Physiology Course Relevance

The Anatomy & Physiology course presents the structure and function of the whole human body. You will read about the cells, tissues and walls that make up our bodies and how our vital systems function to help us develop and stay in good health. In this course you will learn to:

  • Describe basic human body features and life process.
  • Name the significant human body systems and associate their functions.
  • Describe the physical locations, components and physical features of the primary elements of each significant system of the human body.

Human anatomy & physiology (A & P) courses are important to a scholar’s success in a nursing program; unfortunately, many beginner learners don’t realize the significance. Some learners who had an A & P class in high school most often learned to remember content; they did not apply what they learned to a practical situation. Other learners were never introduced to the topic in high school. Therefore, beginner nurses registered in individual anatomy & physiology often lack the critical thinking abilities necessary to implement theory to practice. Often they state being unable to comprehend how the topic will serve them in nursing and are more focused on the technical abilities, or ‘real nursing’ material. Seniors, on the other hand, often say they wish they had paid more attention in beginner A & P. With nursing practice, they quickly understand the significance of A & P.

To help beginner nurses comprehend the nursing importance of anatomy & physiology, the writers designed a project giving senior student nurse guides to freshmen. Initially, the A & P trainer, who was missing nursing experience, was concerned with educating A & P material to nurses without providing relevant nursing illustrations. This concern led to the A & P trainer shadowing the critical care nursing trainer and senior nurses during nursing time in the intensive care unit (ICU) to see nursing application of A & P material to practice.

Clinical illustrations are abundant. For example, the A & P trainer saw a patient with serious Laennec’s cirrhosis suffering from severe ascites that was disrupting his respiratory status. Under the nursing teacher’s guidance, she examined, auscultated, and palpated the individual’s fluid-filled stomach and then observed as nine liters of liquid were removed through paracentesis with ultrasound examination. She still uses this research study when educating liquid balance and liver function. This is a great example of how an anatomy & physiology course can become relevant to a student in a nursing program.

Studying for Anatomy & Physiology

There is no easy way to understand the structure of the human body and physiology; it is a topic that contains a lot of information and material. Perhaps, learning Anatomy & Physiology is for a requirement in school, you dream of at some point working in the medical industry, you’re an instructor, or you just want to better understand the techniques of one’s human body for your knowledge pool. Regardless of why you are learning, it is important to understand thoroughly and effectively. There are several methods that are considered the most effective way to understand anatomy of the human body and physiology.

Tracking study methods provides you 3 advantages.  The first 2 advantages are the likelihood of finding which study activities are the very best and whether or not you need to try something new.  If you write down how you prepare for a test and then look over your methods right after getting back the anatomy and physiology test, you can evaluate your planning performance.  Hopefully, you will obtain understanding as to which activities were the very best and should be extended, highlighted or designed, and where a new strategy could be valuable.

Lastly, monitoring study methods is like writing down what you eat.  It causes you to consider and be sincere about how plenty of your energy and effort, and the quality of time that you invested learning.   Keep in mind that being involved in what you are doing, i.e. asking concerns about what you are studying, linking what you are reading/studying to things you are looking for, noticing resemblances and variations between information, concepts and procedures within Anatomy & Physiology and resemblances and variations between this class and other classes or areas of life, will help you appreciate the subject, enjoy the subject, remember and be able to implement the subject in your incredibly unique and active life! Forms are not necessary for everything, but for many of us, a form to complete makes it all formal and keeps us on track.