In Search for an Assisted Living

Assisted living centers are medical facilities intended for those who have disabilities. This is where those who are in some ways incapacitated placed so that they can receive proper medical care. Recently, assisted living centers have become instituted to ensure that the special needs of the disabled are taken care of. But a relative (or someone who is responsible for the person), it would be appropriate to take a closer look at how and why this is the place for your disabled loved ones.

Reflect First
Your decision to have assisted living for your disabled relative is crucial before going into its parameters. There are families who simply can’t attend to these people and have relegated to the medical staff their responsibility over their relative. Be sure you have the right a reason for choosing assisted living and that is to treat and take care of your disabled relative more closely.

How About Your Needs
Consider all options before going into assisted living. You may have time management issues as of late, a reason why you choose to lodge your disabled relative inside an assisted living center. But you must have anticipated that you can’t keep up the bill in the long run. Assisted living centers are just as suitable homes for your disabled relative, but take a closer look at your resources first before you decide to use the services of assisted living.

 As Much As Possible, Get Referrals
Ask and get referrals from those who have had experiences with assisted living. It pays to do your research before delving into something. Better still, ask for a list of assisted living centers and choose from among them which best suits your disabled relative. Always keep in mind that assisted living is only made possible with your love and support. They need that even more while they are on assisted living.

Parents and Assisted Living Centers – Things to Consider Before Moving

Assisted Living Centers, also referred as residential care, is a kind of living arrangement where personal and essential services for daily living is provided, especially for seniors. It also provides the emotional aspects needed such as security, feeling of belonging, and comfort. This is not similar to nursing homes. The main difference is that assisted living creates independence by letting residents live under normal residential settings.

When Moving a Parent

Deciding to move a beloved elderly parent into an assisted living is difficult. If you already made up your mind, then there are two certain things you need to consider before pushing through:


The charge for services varies, depending on location and type of care. Private Assisted Living centers range from $800 to more than $5, 000 a month. Add-ons that may need to be covered are medications, laundry service, security, and transportation. Comparing fees with different facilities can help you find the best option. Also, make sure to notice how often a facility raise their prices.

Now, who will pay for the cost? Medicaid pays for the services in assisted living centers, except for room and boarding. Not everyone can benefit this though, Medicaid does not cover those who have assets more than $2, 000. Overall, Medicaid can only pay less than 11% of the total cost.

As for Medicare, excluding those under Supplementary Security Income (SSI), more than 90% of the total cost will be paid by individuals or families. They will not pay for housing except for those who are mentally retarded and developmentally disabled.

Cost for assisted living may be cheap for those who have insurance. Depending on age, you can only pay 3-8% out of pocket cost for a three-year stay.


Local and national referral services exist in helping you decide where to find a good place for the elderly to live. The Department of Human Resources in every state can provide a list of public services. Private referral services can be of great help as well.

Shop around and visit as many residences as you can. Know what you need and find out if they can cater those. Better to talk to staff, residents, and other family members to know the current situation of the place.


Assisted living center are not cheap, so be ready for it. Also, since you are entrusting the lives of your beloved ones, make sure you find the best one you can find. So, take time in knowing these facilities. Once you have these two factors figured out, moving your parents would not be as difficult.

Assisted Living Centers Need Intimacy

Ask a health professional or immediate care employee in an older care service as to how they manage the intimacy needs of citizens and you will likely see one of those “I wish you had not asked” looks. It’s a subject that even causes middle-agers looking after for their mature mother and father to wince, a generation, ironically, that released a trend of “free love” while performing Stephen Stills’ “Love the One You are With.” But like it or not, we do need to discuss, plan for and reply to the needs of seniors who might have some way of dementia. “We are sex-related people all the way to the grave,” says Dr. Nancy Hicks, adjunct lecturer of Human Sexuality and Women’s Reproductive Health at Lehigh School. She will also tell you that sex and the pursuit for intimacy do not simply vanish if you are psychologically challenged.

Hicks has been providing workshops on this subject for team in assisted living centers and served living features and has found that most of them want to learn how to better reply to the sex-related needs of their citizens, as do close relatives. Here is some of the smart guidance she shared during an interview:

People with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia can give authorization for discussing sex-related intimacy with another consenting adult. It might not be in terms or in official claims but rather it will be communicated through non-verbal functions such as holding hands, touching, flirting or teasing. Hicks will be the first to tell you that this type of non-verbal interacting is not all that different from how most individuals show their interest in having sex with another person.

The intimacy needs of the seniors are not always indicated through sexual activity. It can be met by cuddling, holding hands or simply going to sleep together. Many senior citizens in assisted living centers are hungry to be touched. Offering them with actual physical statement by an arm around the neck, holding their hands while discussing or to be able to pet a fuzzy dog or cat can go a long way to feeling loved and cared.