A Few Things to Remember Before CLEP

Students who are decided to take the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) can save both time and money. CLEP is a credit-by-exam program designed to give students flexibility in earning a college degree. In return, many students are availing the said program because it enables them to study at their own pace.

Administered by the College Board, the College Level Examination Program is designed to speed up the process of education. Students can now study without worrying about the extended time they are given inside a university.

But before pursuing CLEP, a student has to consider certain rules or questions about CLEP to be able to assess whether this program works for him/her. They should take heed of these rules.

The first rule is to know how these credits are applied. It would be safe to say that a student needs to see if the college or university of his/her choice awards credit for CLEP. There are some universities that consider transferring credit but they will not use the maximum courses available. In some cases, if they have many credits in transfer, he may not be able to use CLEP. The student will not be given a choice which credit will be accepted.

Next, they need to ask how many credits the student can earn. The choices vary from 12 to 60, although other schools can include AP credits in the cap. Also, the student should be able to determine their long term plans, if there is any. There are considerations when it comes to CLEP. There are schools in the US that need more hours of studying before moving on to a higher level of learning.

Lastly, they should know their limitations. Only self-motivated and independent learners deal with CLEP better than anybody. Students who find it hard taking standardized tests should think twice before pursuing CLEP.

Bypassing College through CLEP

Ever dream of becoming a nurse without actually going into semester coursework? Well, you don’t need to dream further. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is there for you. This is a standardized test where a college-level assessment is given to those students who have not taken college courses.

Administered by the College Board, the College Level Examination Program has thirty-six subject areas on its test as a mechanism for those students to get by with the conventional college program. CLEP has more than 1,700 sites at its disposal across the US, including community colleges, universities and even technical schools.

Almost 3,000 colleges are granting credits through CLEP. These institutions usually grant credit to students who have at least qualified for a college degree, which are about 60 students out of a possible 80. These qualifying offer depends on the site and the exam given. If you have obtained a nursing education outside a traditional classroom, perhaps an online associate degree, CLEP is perfect for you. And even those through home study, job experience or cultural involvement, this test will give them a kind of leverage for them to get that desired degree. This particular program is also available for those students outside of the US, and has their sights of studying further in the country.

CLEP is not just an exam per se, it also provides students to show their skills on a subject of their choosing, and to somehow get through an undergraduate study. More and more students are availing of this said program because it is convenient, not to mention it saves a lot of time. And also because the costs involved are much cheaper than going into that customary coursework. So if you are planning on pursuing a nursing degree with less hassle, CLEP is the way to do it.

College Level Examination Program Dilemma

CLEP has become quite popular in the home school community. You may be thinking, “What is CLEP?” CLEP is a test created by the College Board to evaluate college degree knowledge of a subject. It’s called the College Level Examination Program. Basically, if your kid knows a subject well enough to successfully pass the test, he can get college credit score for that subject.

If your kid is highly inspired and desperate to engage in an advanced degree that needs a bachelor’s degree as a first step, CLEP examinations can boost your kid’s knowledge. In some cases, your kid can generate his entire degree through the college level examination program. If the college your kid is most interested in participating allows CLEP credit, CLEP can be a great choice, because it’s both cost and time effective. A bright and inspired college student can CLEP a lot of classes in a brief period of time, garnering lots of college credits and saving a ton of money.

college_level_examination_programEarning a bachelor’s degree through the college level examination program is not the best choice for most learners. The school experience offers much more than a degree. Your kid will find like-minded friends, begin long term connections, learn freedom and self-awareness and build networks that will increase his job possibilities. He will most likely have the chance at many exciting and different internships and study overseas programs and will gain knowledge and life skills through the number of possibilities and experiences college life offers. Your kid will skip many of these benefits if he selects to engage in college at home.

One global lament is how challenging it is to socialize after college. An individual’s college buddies are generally real and long term buddies. It is in the exclusive establishing of an excellent university that your kid will understand who he is and what it is he wants to do with his life. This is why I suggest CLEP only for making credits before coming into college or getting a degree if one already has a career in place.