The Importance of Taking Required College Courses and the Benefits of Taking Required College Courses Online

When you embark on your journey toward earning a degree, you may wonder why specific courses are required, especially if they seem unrelated to your chosen field. However, these required courses are crucial in shaping you into a well-rounded and adaptable professional. The advantages and benefits of taking these courses online to earn college credit are also worth considering.


Why is it essential to take English courses?

  1. Communication Skills: English classes enhance your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Effective communication is indispensable in almost any profession, whether composing reports, delivering presentations, or collaborating with colleagues.
  2. Critical Thinking: Analyzing literature and complex texts in English courses fosters critical thinking and analytical skills. These skills are valuable for problem-solving and decision-making in any field.
  3. Cultural Awareness: Studying literature exposes you to diverse cultures and perspectives, enriching your understanding of the world, which is crucial in today’s globalized society.
  4. Research and Information Literacy: English classes teach you how to research, evaluate sources, and cite information properly—skills applicable to research or data analysis professions.
  5. Versatility: Strong English skills can be applied to various job roles and industries, opening doors to opportunities in writing, editing, content creation, or customer communication.
  6. Personal Growth: Engaging with literature can be intellectually enriching and personally rewarding, enhancing your creativity and imagination.
  7. Requirement for Well-Rounded Education: Many educational institutions include English classes as part of their general education requirements, ensuring students receive a holistic education that broadens their worldview.


Why is it essential to take Math courses?

  1. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Mathematics nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills transferable to various professions. Analytical thinking is invaluable when dealing with complex issues in your career.
  2. Quantitative Literacy: In today’s data-driven world, understanding math allows you to interpret and analyze data, make informed decisions, and communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, or stakeholders.
  3. Career Opportunities: Math skills can be valuable in unexpected places. Many professions, including business, healthcare, and social sciences, involve data analysis or financial management, where math proficiency is advantageous.
  4. Admissions and Graduation Requirements: Math courses often form part of general education requirements, demonstrating your ability to engage with diverse subjects and making you a more well-rounded graduate.
  5. Preparation for Advanced Studies: Whether in your chosen field or another, math skills can be prerequisites for specific graduate programs or can significantly enhance your qualifications.
  6. Life Skills: Math proficiency extends beyond your career, aiding in financial literacy, understanding statistics in media, and making informed decisions about personal finances.


Why is it essential to take Humanities courses?

  1. Critical Thinking and Communication Skills: Humanities courses encourage critical thinking and effective communication, essential skills in virtually any career.
  2. Cultural Awareness and Empathy: Exploring diverse cultures, histories, and perspectives in humanities classes enhances cultural awareness and empathy, vital in today’s globalized world.
  3. Contextual Understanding: Humanities provide context for the world, helping you make sense of current events, societal changes, and the broader implications of your work.
  4. Creativity and Innovation: Humanities can inspire creativity and innovation, even in fields you might not expect.
  5. Well-Rounded Education: Educational institutions include humanities courses in general education requirements to ensure students receive a well-rounded education, enriching intellectual and personal growth.
  6. Interdisciplinary Connections: Knowledge from humanities classes may complement or inform your primary field of study, fostering unexpected and advantageous intersections.


While required courses like English, Math, and Humanities may not seem directly relevant to your degree, they equip you with skills, perspectives, and knowledge that contribute to your overall personal and professional development. Embrace these courses as opportunities to broaden your horizons, enhance your adaptability, and prepare yourself for the obstacles and opportunities in your career and life journey. A well-rounded education is a valuable asset that can set you apart professionally.


What are the advantages and benefits of taking required college courses online? 

Online courses are becoming increasingly popular, particularly when fulfilling general education requirements. Taking your English, Math, and Humanities courses online can have several benefits and advantages.



  1. Personal Scheduling: Online courses often allow you to choose when and where you study. This flexibility can be a significant advantage for working adults, parents, or anyone juggling multiple responsibilities alongside their education.
  2. Self-Paced Learning: Many online courses offer asynchronous learning, meaning you can go through the material at your own pace. This feature allows you to spend more time on challenging concepts and skip ahead when you’re comfortable.



  1. Resource Availability: Online courses often have many resources available 24/7, including lectures, quizzes, and discussion forums. This constant access enables you to revisit material whenever needed.
  2. Geographical Independence: No matter where you are located, you can enroll in a course offered by an accredited institution. This accessibility breaks down geographical barriers that previously limited your educational choices.



  1. Lower Costs: Online courses can be more affordable than traditional classroom courses, as they often eliminate costs associated with transportation, housing, and materials.
  2. No Commute: Saving time on commuting reduces stress and saves you money on fuel or public transportation.


Technology Skills

  1. Digital Literacy: Navigating an online learning environment can help you acquire essential tech skills that are increasingly important in the modern workplace.
  2. Familiarity with Online Collaboration Tools: Online courses often involve collaborative projects and communication platforms, preparing you for remote or hybrid work settings.


Improved Learning Experience

  1. Personalized Attention: Many online platforms track your performance and adapt the course material to focus on areas where you need improvement, offering a more customized learning experience.
  2. Multimedia Content: Online courses often incorporate videos, interactive quizzes, and other multimedia elements that can make learning more engaging and effective.


Convenience and Comfort

  1. Study Environment: You can choose the study setting that works best for you, whether it’s a quiet room or a local café. This personalization can make your study sessions more effective and enjoyable.
  2. Zero Classroom Pressure: For some, the anonymity provided by online education can make participation in discussions less intimidating, allowing for a more honest and thorough exploration of course material.


Taking your required English, Math, and Humanities courses online offers many benefits that can complement the intrinsic advantages of these subjects. From increased flexibility and accessibility to cost efficiency and a tailored learning experience, online education provides modern solutions to traditional educational challenges. So, as you work towards a well-rounded, accredited degree, consider the unique advantages that online courses could bring to your academic and professional journey.


Written By:  Laura Knight

The Power of Online Learning: The Benefits of Instructor-led Online Courses

Online education continues to create new opportunities for high school students about to graduate to get a head start on earning college credits, college students seeking to fulfill prerequisite and general education requirements, and working adults juggling their careers and education. Online instructor-led classes are a popular choice among these groups, thanks to all the advantages and because they can significantly enhance academic success and the various benefits they hold.


Why Choose Instructor-led Online Classes?

The online education model, particularly instructor-led classes, offers numerous benefits catering to diverse learners. These classes break down geographical barriers, allowing you to earn college credit from the comfort of your home or any location you choose.

When an instructor leads online classes, it offers a structured learning environment, much like traditional classroom settings. The instructor guides students through the course, clarifying doubts, and facilitating class discussions, creating an interactive and engaging educational experience.

Furthermore, online courses can be a practical solution if you’re a high school student contemplating earning college credits before graduation. Similarly, online courses offer a flexible and convenient option for college students needing to fulfill certain prerequisites or general education requirements or working adults aiming to finish a degree.


Top 3 Advantages of Online Instructor-led Classes

  1. Flexibility and Convenience

Balancing school, work, and personal life can be challenging. The flexibility offered by online courses is their most significant advantage. They allow you to learn at your own pace, at a time that suits your schedule. You can catch a lecture during your lunch break, complete an assignment late at night, or engage in discussion forums over the weekend. This flexibility is perfect for working adults, college students with busy schedules, and high school students looking to get a head start on college credits.

  1. Wide Range of Course Selections

Online education often offers a broader range of courses than traditional on-campus programs. The possibilities are endless, whether you’re interested in fulfilling general education requirements, exploring electives outside your major, or seeking specialized courses. As a bonus, these courses can often be transferred for credit at your current institution, making it easier to meet graduation requirements.

  1. Cost-Effective Learning

Online learning often proves to be a cost-effective alternative to traditional education. Not only are online courses typically less expensive, but they also cut down on commuting and housing costs. Furthermore, digital resources can often replace costly textbooks, further saving on expenses.


How Online Classes Improve Student Success

Online instructor-led classes have been shown to improve student success in several ways. First, they offer a more personalized learning experience. Instructors can provide immediate feedback through digital platforms, and students can review course materials as often as needed. This direct, ongoing feedback loop enhances understanding and retention.

Second, online learning often requires greater self-discipline and time management skills. Students must take initiative in online learning, enhancing skills like organization, critical thinking, and problem-solving. These skills are not only beneficial academically but are also highly valued in the workplace.

Lastly, online courses facilitate global classroom experiences. You can engage with classmates from different cultures and backgrounds, promoting diversity and fostering a broader worldview. Exposure to different perspectives can lead to richer class discussions and an enhanced understanding of the course material.


The continual rise in the popularity of online learning, specifically instructor-led online courses, is transforming the education landscape. Its advantages—flexibility, broad course selection, cost-effectiveness, and potential for increased student success—make it an attractive option for high school students, college students, and working adults.


Written By:  Justin Hart

Busting The Top 10 Myths About Taking Online Courses for College Credit and Earning a Degree Online

Today’s online education has completely revolutionized how people pursue earning college credits and getting a college degree. With the rise of online college courses, students can learn at their own pace, from the comfort of their homes or anywhere with an internet connection. Despite its growing popularity, some things surrounding online education still need to be clarified. Let’s debunk the top 10 myths about taking online college courses for college credit and earning a degree online.


Myth #1: Online degrees are less credible than traditional degrees.

Fact: Accredited online degree programs hold the same value as their traditional counterparts. Many reputable universities offer online programs that meet the same rigorous academic standards. Employers now recognize the legitimacy and quality of online degrees, making them equally valuable for career advancement.


Myth #2: Online courses lack interaction and engagement.

Fact: Online courses often incorporate various interactive elements to promote engagement. Discussion boards, video conferences, and collaborative projects facilitate meaningful interactions with professors and fellow students. Additionally, technological advancements enable real-time feedback and personalized attention, ensuring a rich learning experience.


Myth #3: Online degrees are easier to obtain than traditional degrees.

Fact: Online courses are designed to be just as challenging and academically rigorous as traditional courses. The curriculum, assignments, and exams are carefully structured to meet the same educational standards. The flexibility of online learning may require self-discipline and time management skills, but the difficulty level remains the same as with traditional programs.


Myth#4: Employers do not value online degrees.

Fact: Employers today value skills, knowledge, and experience over the format in which they were acquired. Many employers recognize that online degree holders possess valuable qualities such as self-motivation, time management, and tech-savviness. As long as the online program is accredited, employers will likely view the degree the same way as obtaining a degree the traditional way from an on-campus college or university.


Myth #5: Online courses need more practical experience.

Fact: Online programs have adapted to include practical components through virtual simulations, internships, and field experiences. Students can gain hands-on skills and expertise in their chosen fields by participating in online labs, completing virtual projects, or engaging with professionals in their local communities.


Myth #6: Online degrees are not suitable for socially inclined individuals.

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, online learning can foster a strong sense of community. Virtual classrooms provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and discussion. Online students often connect through social media groups, online forums, and virtual study groups, creating a supportive network of like-minded individuals.


Myth #7: Online degrees are only available in limited fields.

Fact: The amount of online degree programs continues to expand rapidly. Today, you can pursue online degrees in various fields, including business, healthcare, technology, humanities, esports, game development, homeland security, criminal justice, and marketing, and the list continues. Whether you want to pursue a bachelor’s, master’s, or even a doctoral degree, online programs are available to suit your interests and career goals.


Myth #8: Online education lacks personalized attention from instructors.

Fact: Online instructors are committed to providing personalized attention to their students. Students can interact with professors individually through email, discussion boards, and virtual office hours and seek guidance when needed. Some online courses also offer one-on-one mentoring, ensuring a supportive learning environment.


Myth #9: Online degrees are not recognized by professional organizations.

Fact: Professional organizations recognize and accept online degrees, career skills certificates, and continued education completed online. These organizations understand the changing landscape of education and the value of online education and degrees. Always research and ensure that your chosen online program is recognized by the relevant professional associations in your field of interest.


Myth #10: Online learning is lonely and isolating.

Fact: While online learning requires self-motivation and independence, it doesn’t have to be a solitary experience. Online students can engage in virtual study groups, participate in online forums, and attend virtual events and conferences related to their field. Building connections with peers and instructors can help combat any feelings of isolation.


As online education continues its rapid growth, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to dispel the myths surrounding earning college credits online and getting an online college degree. Taking 100% online courses for college credit and earning a degree online can provide a flexible and rewarding educational experience. The credibility of online degrees, the level of engagement, and the practical experiences available are now on par with traditional education. By breaking down these misconceptions, aspiring learners are encouraged to embrace the possibilities offered by online education and take charge of their academic journey.


Written By:  Justin Hart

5 Key Facts Why Earning A College Degree Is Important

The importance of earning a college degree cannot be overstated. In today’s competitive job market, higher education opens doors to a broader range of career opportunities and offers many other benefits.


Here are five key facts highlighting why earning a college degree is important:

  1. Higher Earning Potential: One of the most significant advantages of obtaining a college degree is the potential for higher earnings. Numerous studies have consistently shown that individuals with higher levels of education tend to earn more over their lifetime compared to those with only a high school diploma. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, individuals with an associate degree earn about $8,000 more per year than those with a high school diploma, while individuals with a bachelor’s degree earn approximately $27,000 more annually. These earnings differentials can add up significantly, making a college degree a worthwhile investment.
  2. Increased Employment: In today’s competitive job market, having a college degree significantly increases your chances of securing employment. Many employers view a degree as a minimum requirement for job applicants, especially for positions that require specialized knowledge or skills. With a college degree, you demonstrate to potential employers that you possess the necessary commitment, discipline, and intellectual capacity to succeed professionally. Furthermore, some industries and professions have specific educational requirements; with a degree, you may find yourself more in career options.
  3. Job Stability: Another compelling reason to earn a college degree is the increased job stability it can provide. While no educational credential can guarantee a job for life, statistics consistently show that individuals with higher levels of education experience lower unemployment rates and are less likely to be affected by economic downturns. During times of recession, individuals with a college degree are generally more likely to retain their jobs or find new employment than those without a degree. This job stability can provide security and peace of mind in an uncertain job market.
  4. Economic and Financial Stability: Earning a college degree benefits individuals and improves financial stability. Research has shown that societies with higher levels of educational attainment tend to experience more substantial economic growth and development. Individuals with higher education levels often have the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to innovation, productivity, and economic progress. Moreover, the higher income levels of college graduates result in increased tax revenues for governments, which can be invested in public services, infrastructure, and social programs, benefiting society.
  5. Personal Growth and Improved Self-esteem: Beyond the tangible benefits, earning a college degree can foster personal growth and improve self-esteem. College provides an environment that encourages critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and personal development. Through exposure to diverse perspectives, engaging coursework, and extracurricular activities, students can broaden their horizons, expand their knowledge base, and develop valuable communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. These experiences enhance personal growth and instill a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence that can positively impact various aspects of life.


Earning a college degree is very important in today’s society. It leads to higher earning potential and increases employment opportunities, job stability, and economic stability. Additionally, obtaining a degree promotes personal growth and improved self-esteem. By recognizing the numerous advantages of college education, individuals can make informed decisions about their future and position themselves for success in a rapidly evolving world.


Written By: Justin Hart

How Online College Prerequisites Help Students Avoid Debt, Save Money, and Save Time

The cost of a college education is rising yearly, and many students are graduating with significant debt. However, there are ways to avoid student debt, and one of them is by taking online college courses. By taking college prerequisites online, students can save time and money and get a head start on their college education.


Online College Courses to Avoid Student Debt

Taking online college courses can help students avoid student debt in several ways. First, online courses are often less expensive than traditional ones, saving students thousands of dollars on tuition and fees. Many online courses also offer financial aid, scholarships, and grants, which can further reduce the cost of education. Second, online courses allow students to work while they study, which can help them pay for their education without taking out loans. Students can take online courses part-time or full-time, depending on their schedule and needs, which can help them balance their work and education.

Finally, online courses can help students graduate faster, reducing the cost of education. By taking online courses during the summer or winter breaks, students can earn credits towards their degree and complete their education earlier, saving them time and money.


Taking College Prerequisites Online Saves You Time and Money

College prerequisites are courses students must complete before taking higher-level courses that are also part of their degree program. These courses are typically lower-level courses in Math, English, Science, and other subjects, which are required for most majors. By taking college prerequisites online, students can save time and money and get a head start on their college education.


Save Time

Taking college prerequisites online can save students time in several ways. First, online courses are often more flexible than traditional ones, allowing students to study at their own pace and schedule. Students can complete coursework and assignments when convenient for them, which can save them time and help them balance their other commitments. Second, online courses often have shorter or more flexible course schedules, allowing students to complete the course faster. Some online courses are accelerated, meaning they are completed in a shorter period, such as six or eight weeks, instead of a traditional 16-week semester. This can allow students to complete the course faster and move on to finish their degree sooner.


Save Money

Taking college prerequisites online can also save students money in several ways. First, online courses are often less expensive than traditional courses, which can reduce the cost of education. Many online courses also offer financial aid, scholarships, and grants, which can further reduce the cost of education.

Second, online courses can reduce the cost of textbooks and materials. Many online courses use e-books, often less expensive than traditional textbooks. Some online classes also provide course materials online, which can reduce the cost of printing and shipping materials.


Get a Head Start on Your College Education

Taking college prerequisites online can also help students get a head start on their college education. By completing college prerequisites online, students can knock out classes and complete their degrees faster. This can help students save time and money and enter the workforce sooner. In addition, taking college prerequisites online can help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their careers. Students can build a foundation for success by completing prerequisites online and gaining the confidence and skills needed to succeed in their careers.


Online college courses help students avoid debt and save time and money. By taking college prerequisites online, students can save time and money and get a head start on their college education. Online courses are flexible, less expensive, and offer financial aid and scholarships, which can reduce the cost of education. In addition, online courses can help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their education and career.


Written by:  Justin Hart


Top 10 Reasons Why to Take College Courses Online Before High School Graduation

In today’s fast-paced world, education has become essential to an individual’s life.  It is no secret that a college education opens numerous opportunities, but it can also be costly.  Luckily, there is a way for high school students to gain an advantage in their future endeavors while saving money and time.


Taking college courses online before graduating from high school is an excellent option that has recently gained popularity.  Let’s discuss why someone should take college courses online before high school graduation:


  1. Get A Head Start on Your College Education

One of the most significant advantages of taking college courses online before graduating from high school is that it allows you to get a head start on your college education.  You can earn college credits that transfer toward your degree program by taking online college courses.  With some college credits already under your belt, you can graduate faster and save money on tuition and other expenses.  Taking college courses online before graduating from high school and getting a head start also allows students more time to take internships during their college and jumpstart their careers.  Plus, some students who take college courses online before graduating from high school have maintained a specific grade point average to preserve scholarships or other financial assistance.


  1. Greater Flexibility and Convenience

One of the primary benefits of taking college courses online is the flexibility that comes with it.  Online learning offers greater flexibility and convenience than traditional classroom-based education.  High school students can work at their own pace and choose a schedule that works for them.  This flexibility allows students to balance their academic workload with extracurricular activities, family commitments, and part-time jobs.  Additionally, online courses can be accessed from anywhere, making it easier for students to fit their studies into their busy schedules.


  1. Save More Time and Money (Lower Costs)

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can save students time and money.  Online courses typically have lower tuition fees than their classroom-based counterparts, and students can save money on transportation, accommodation, and other expenses associated with attending college in person.  Additionally, online courses can be completed faster than traditional courses, allowing students to complete their college education faster and enter the workforce sooner.


  1. Get Exposed to College-Level Curriculum

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school can expose students to college-level curriculum and coursework.  This can help students better understand what college-level coursework entails, which can help them prepare for the rigor of college coursework.  This advantage can also help students decide if a particular field of study is the right choice before entering college.


  1. Develop Essential Skills

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can help students develop essential skills beneficial for their future careers.  Online learning requires self-discipline, time management, and effective communication skills.  Employers highly value these skills, which can be developed through online learning.  Students can develop these skills early on by taking college courses online before graduating from high school, giving them a competitive edge in the workforce.


  1. Explore Career Options and Different Fields

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can help students explore different career options.  Online courses offer various subjects and topics, allowing students to discover their interests and passions.  This can help students make informed decisions about their future careers and choose a major that aligns with their goals.  This can also help you broaden your horizons and discover new passions.


  1. Improve College Admissions Chances

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school can also improve students’ chances of getting accepted into their preferred college or university.  Admissions committees look for students who have demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to learning.  By taking college courses online and earning college credit, students can demonstrate their academic abilities and show that they are ready for college-level coursework.  This can help them stand out from other applicants and increase their chances of acceptance into their dream school.


  1. Build Important Connections

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school can also help you build important connections with other students and professionals in your field of interest.  Online courses often include discussion forums, group projects, and other collaborative learning activities, which can help you connect with other students who share your interests and goals.


  1. Access To Top Universities and Professors

Taking college courses online before graduating from high school exposes you to online learning platforms that often partner with top universities and professors to offer high-quality courses and learning materials.  This means you can access world-class education from the comfort of your home, regardless of where you live or what school you attend.


  1. Build A Robust College Application

Taking college courses online before graduating high school can also help you build a strong college application.  Colleges and universities look for students who have challenged themselves academically and demonstrated a commitment to learning.  By taking online college courses, you can show colleges and universities that you are a motivated and dedicated student eager to learn and succeed.


Taking college courses online before graduating from high school is an excellent opportunity for students to get ahead, save time and money, develop essential skills, explore different career options, improve their college admissions chances, and so much more.  Online learning offers a flexible and affordable way for students to earn college credits and gain valuable experience, setting them up for future success.


Written by:  Justin Hart

Distance Learning Systems™ Partners with Medical Staffing Network to Upgrade Nursing Credentials

Distance Learning Systems™ and Medical Staffing Network partner to provide an affordable and accelerated pathway to an RN (Registered Nurse) license for qualifying medical professionals.
Greenwood, IN, May 21, 2019 – Distance Learning Systems™ ( announced today that Medical Staffing Network (, part of the Cross Country Staffing ( family, has partnered with Distance Learning Systems™ to join its network of corporate partners and regionally accredited universities.

This partnership provides a flexible and affordable online alternative for Medical Staffing Network’s nurses who are interested in upgrading their current LPN/LVN licensure to RN. Distance Learning Systems’™ unique online platform includes accelerated courses that save students both time and money. This partnership provides a means by which any Medical Staffing Network LPN/LVN aspiring to attain RN status may do so simply by completing online college level-courses through Distance Learning Systems™ and clinical validation.

Medical Staffing Network has reviewed and approved the nursing program offered by Distance Learning Systems™ as the most direct and seamless bridge to RN licensure available in this space. Cross Country Staffing plans to provide financial support to its nursing staff in support of this endeavor.

“We believe today’s college student deserves a more affordable, accelerated option for degree completion, one that allows adult students to maintain current lifestyles, and that’s what Distance Learning Systems™ provides,” said Dave Christy, President of Distance Learning Systems™. “Our partnership with Medical Staffing Network addresses the academic needs of the nation’s premier staffing company.”

Distance Learning Systems™ offers a high-quality, low-cost path for those interested in earning over 50 regionally accredited degrees, including nursing. Classes may be completed 100% live online and in traditional classrooms in select locations. This is truly a hybrid program for students who cannot attend class on campus but expect the same level of support available in a traditional campus-based program. Distance Learning Systems™ courses are recognized by the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT®). To date, Distance Learning Systems™ has saved students over $200,000,000.00 in tuition and fees.

By making this commitment to its nurses, Medical Staffing Network is taking a huge step forward in continuing to deliver high-quality, flexible staffing solutions to the healthcare organizations it serves.

“This is a true partnership between Distance Learning Systems™ and Medical Staffing Network that will bring a higher level of skill set to the bedside, which will result in better outcomes,” said Cross Country Staffing Chief Clinical Officer Hank Drummond, PhD, MDiv, BA, RN.

About Medical Staffing Network
Medical Staffing Network, a member of the Cross Country Staffing family, is a trusted national provider of healthcare staffing and workforce solutions that balance quality patient care with cost savings. Medical Staffing Network has the flexible per diem and local contract opportunities clinicians want, and the pay and benefits they deserve. To learn more, visit

About Distance Learning Systems™
Based on its 97% National Pass Rate, Distance Learning Systems™, headquartered in Greenwood, Indiana, is believed by many to offer the nation’s most effective online learning platform. Distance Learning Systems™ (DLSII™), currently serves over 10,000 clients nationwide with customizable, structured, instructor – led online classes. Students will rapidly complete multiple college level courses recognized by the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT®). An additional 2,000 additional U.S. institutions of higher learning also recognize and accept ACE CREDIT®. Note: The decision to accept specific credit recommendations is at the sole discretion of each college or university; for more information visit: or call toll free 1-888-955-3276.

Distance Learning Systems Expands Online Learning Program with New Brandman University Partnership

Handshake Image
Distance Learning Systems and Brandman University join forces to offer an affordable and flexible learning format for students to earn an accredited degree online.
Distance Learning Systems has partnered with Brandman University to provide an online learning program enhancing and supporting educational goals. The Brandman Premier Partnership gives Distance Learning Systems’ students increased flexibility and affordability in their continued education.

“Education is vital for success in today’s employment market,” said Dave Christy, President of Distance Learning System. “Our partnership with Brandman allows our students the opportunity to earn college credits in an accelerated, cost-effective environment while staying current with industry demands within their field of study.”

As a Premier Partner, Distance Learning Systems has access to exclusive scholarships that can be applied to multiple pathways including many of its over 80 degree, certification, credential and professional development programs. Brandman also offers custom solutions for staff and provides student-centered services to support them through graduation.

Brandman programs are available at more than 25 campuses throughout California and Washington and online, and through Brandman MyPath, our self-paced online competency-based education modality.

About Distance Learning Systems
Distance Learning Systems, headquartered in Greenwood, Indiana, is believed by many to offer the nation’s most effective online learning platform where students maintain a 97% national average pass rate. Distance Learning Systems (DLSII), currently serves over 10,000 students nationwide with customizable, structured, instructor – led online classes. Students will rapidly complete multiple college level courses recognized by Brandman University. Additionally, 2,000 U.S. institutions of higher learning also recognize and accept ACE course credits. Note: The decision to accept specific credit recommendations is at the sole discretion of each college or university; however specific credit transfers between DLSII and Brandman University have been established. For more information visit: or call toll free 1-888-955-3276.

About Brandman University
Brandman University is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). It offers academic programs available at more than 25 campuses throughout California and Washington and online, and through Brandman MyPath, our self-paced competency-based education modality. Not all programs are available at all locations. Program availability is subject to change. To learn more, visit

Distance Learning Systems Bolsters College Partnership Program by Adding Indiana Wesleyan University

Distance Learning Systems and Indiana Wesleyan University partner to provide aspiring nurses with a flexible and affordable option to obtaining a Bachelor of Science In Nursing.

December 12, 2018

– Distance Learning Systems ( announced today that Indiana Wesleyan University ( has partnered with Distance Learning Systems and joined its network of regionally accredited institutions.

This partnership provides a flexible and affordable online alternative for students interested in earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Indiana Wesleyan University. The program provides a unique online platform provided by Distance Learning Systems that includes accelerated courses that save students both time and money. This partnership provides a means by which any RN aspiring to earn a BSN degree may do so simply by completing online college-level courses through Distance Learning Systems and apply those credits toward their BSN from Indiana Wesleyan University.

Indiana Wesleyan University has evaluated and approved 15 DLSI courses (a total of 41 credits) as eligible for transfer into the RN to BSN program offered by Indiana Wesleyan University.

“We believe today’s college student deserves a more affordable, accelerated option for degree completion, and that’s what we provide” said Dave Christy, President of Distance Learning Systems. “Our partnership with this regionally accredited university, makes available exciting degree opportunities benefiting the student population we serve.”

Distance Learning Systems offers a high-quality, low-cost path for RNs to earn their BSN degree. Courses are completed 100% online with all the benefits of a traditional classroom and the convenience of a flexible self-paced program. This is truly a hybrid program for students who cannot attend class on campus, but require the same level of support available in a traditional campus based program. The DLSI program provides college-level courses that allow individuals to earn transferrable college credits through competency-based learning. Each college-level course is instructor-led, live or recorded, and requires taking only 1 class per week.

Distance Learning System courses are recognized by ACE, The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service. Distance Learning Systems is accredited by ASIC and maintains a long standing A+ BBB rating, and has saved students over $200,000,000.00 in tuition and fees. Their program boasts a 97% national average pass rate.

About Distance Learning Systems
Based on its 97% National Pass Rate, Distance Learning Systems, headquartered in Greenwood, Indiana, is believed by many to offer the nation’s most effective online learning platform. Distance Learning Systems (DLSII), currently serves over 10,000 clients nationwide with customizable, structured, instructor–led online classes. Students will rapidly complete multiple college level courses recognized by Indiana Wesleyan University. 2,000 additional U.S. institutions of higher learning also recognize and accept ACE course credits. NOTE: The decision to accept specific credit recommendations is at the sole discretion of each college or university; however specific credit transfers between DLSII and Indiana Wesleyan University have been established. For more information visit: or call toll free 1-888-955-3276.

About Indiana Wesleyan University
Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) is a Christian comprehensive university of The Wesleyan Church that is committed to global liberal arts and professional education. The university system includes IWU—Marion, where about 3,000 students are enrolled in traditional programs on the main campus in Marion, Ind.; IWU—National and Global, which includes more than 10,000 adult learners throughout the world who study online or at 15 education centers in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio; and Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University, which offers a practical and student-centered approach for busy, working ministers. IWU’s DeVoe School of Business, the School of Nursing, the School of Health Sciences, the School of Educational Leadership, the School of Service and Leadership, and the Division of Liberal Arts are all housed within the National and Global campus. More information is available at