Nursing Fundamentals

Nurses have many roles. A nurse may be an assistant to a medical specialist or part of the surgical team of doctors on their way to an operation. But nurses have specific duties to perform, not just mere assistants. You could at least point out five of those roles a nurse has to perform on a daily basis. The fundamentals of nursing could be as complicated as its demanding work at times, but the results are always rewarding.

Assessing a Patient
As soon as the patient is housed inside the hospital, a nurse almost immediately has to perform an assessment to the patient. This initial assessment might prove valuable later on, particularly with performing a diagnosis.

Nurses, after conducting an initial assessment, could perform a simple diagnosis to their patients. A nurse might want to interview the patient further and diagnose the patient properly.

Nursing Care
Immediately after giving a simple diagnosis, a nurse has to devise a plan on how to take care of the patient. That plan though is in keeping with the assessment and its corresponding diagnosis.

Medical Intervention
If a patient is in need of further diagnosis, a nurse might be able use the services of a doctor. This will assure the patient that the initial medical attention has its confirmation with another medical staffer.

To Recap
After doing the necessary assessment and diagnosis, and providing initial medication to the patient, a nurse has the responsibility to evaluate the said patient. This evaluation would either give further medical attention or would recommend a release for the patient.

These are basically the fundamentals of nursing, the basic things that a nurse has to do in the course of his/her duty. Indeed, they have many roles, and it’s more than just assisting.

Psychology: An Important Subject In Nursing Courses

Psychology is the study of human brain processes and behavior. As a college subject, psychology is very interesting. Students learn lessons and principles that help them with the psychological characteristics of a human being. Psychology is an important subject in nursing courses. Many principles in psychology are useful in a nursing career. In fact, psychology is integrated in nursing major subjects like Psychiatric nursing. This particular major nursing subject develops the knowledge and skills needed by nurses in clinical psychology setting.

Nurses Need To Know About The Human Brain
The brain is a very important human organ. It’s responsible for many human function that keeps a person alive. The field of medicine covers all human organs. This includes the brain. The human brain is a complex organ to study. Psychology helps explains to nurses how the brain functions. The characteristics and processes of the brain are learned in psychology subjects.

Understanding Brain Processes Help Nurses Be Efficient In Their Profession
Nurses deal with people. Providing medical service to patients with different kinds of personality can be very challenging. Psychology allows nurses to understand the different kinds of personality people have. This grants nurses skills and capability to provide efficient medical servicing to various types of patients. Understanding a person’s behavior and personality is important especially to a career that involves interaction with other people.

Clinical Psychologist Need Nurses
The field of medicine has a branch dedicated to psychological and mental illnesses. Many psychiatric facilities employ medical professionals like nurses. Nurses play an important role in providing medical treatments to patients with psychological and mental disorders. Mental hospitals need nurses to help them manage patients with abnormal mental conditions. Psychiatrists rely on nurses to provide the basic medical needs of psychiatric patients. Basic medical needs like vital signs monitoring and medicine administration.

Three Important Nursing Subjects Students Should Know

Nursing subjects play important roles in molding students to become highly skilled nursing professionals in the future. These subjects are the foundation of important nursing principles required in the medical workforce. There are more than a dozen of nursing subjects in a nursing course. Each subject focuses on a specific set of principles in the field of nursing.  The principles and information acquired in nursing subjects are useful in the everyday work of a professional nurse.

Here Are Three Important Nursing Subjects that a nursing student should earn in school.

Fundamentals of Nursing
This subject introduces a student nurse to the basic principles in nursing. The fundamentals of nursing is the first major subject that freshmen students need to take up. The topics in this subject include : The Profession of nursing (8 lessons), Asepsis & Infection Control (4 lessons) ,Understanding the Body’s Defenses in Nursing ( 3 lessons), Understanding Rest And Sleep for Nurses ( 4 lessons), Understanding Pain & Pain Management for Nurses ( 5 lessons)  and Understanding Nutrition for Nurses (2 lessons).

Fundamental Nursing Skills
This particular major subject develops the nursing skills expected from a nursing professional. Fundamental Nursing Skills I is usually offered to 1st year students during 2nd semester. While Fundamental nursing skills II and III are offered during the 1st semester of the second year. Lessons learned in these subjects include breathing, Mobilization, Personal cleansing and dressing, Maintaining a safe environment and many other lessons focusing on nursing procedures and techniques.

Nursing Management
Nursing Management is offered for 3rd year students during the 1st semester.  And Nursing Management I and II are both offered during the first semester of the last year. The lessons tackled in these subjects develop a nurse’s ability for decision-making and leadership within the nursing employed organization. Nurses’ management skills like organizing, planning, staffing, controlling and directing are harnessed thru these subjects.

How to Cope with Difficult RN Classes

Finishing a nursing degree is not easy. In fact, entering a nursing school and passing the admission test is already a big challenge to students. If you luckily pass the admission test and are allowed to enroll in a nursing school, the next thing you want to do is pass every subject in the course. Nursing subjects are different from other subjects in college. The topics and lessons in nursing subjects are focused on medical science, which are most of the time difficult and complicated.

A freshman nursing student might find it hard to adjust in such complex topics and lessons. But with determination and some effective study habits you can pass the subject and get a degree in nursing. Here is a simple guide to help you adjust to RN classes.

Listen to your professor and ask questions if you don’t understand the lessons.
RN classes are often handled by teaching professionals who have expert knowledge in the field of nursing. They can provide you with important facts and principle that is useful to a nursing career. You want to listen carefully to your professor during your RN classes. Keep your focus to the nursing lessons the professor is teaching. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if some ideas and topics are unclear to you. It’s advisable that you take steps in clarifying any misunderstood lessons to help you have a clear understanding about the topic. Full understanding of the lessons in a nursing subject is key to achieving a passing grade on the exam.

Take tutorial classes
Tutorial classes can help you cope with difficult nursing subjects. You can join tutorial RN classes to help you earn a greater understanding about specific topics and lessons. Enrolling in a tutorial center can increase your chance of passing the course and acquiring good grades.

How to prepare yourself for a Nursing career

Choosing a career requires careful thinking and right decision making. You want to have a career that will enhance your ability, skills and knowledge. A good career path should be interesting, enjoyable, and inspiring. You want to be in a career that makes you happy and enables to you have worthwhile experiences while working.

Among the many available careers, you have chosen to be in the field of healthcare as a nurse. This type of career is lucrative and highly respected. Proper knowledge and high quality of skills are required from healthcare professionals. On top of that, a nursing graduate should undergo the mandatory board exam that regulate and maintain the standards for this particular profession.

Although pursuing this type of career can sometimes be strenuous, it’s better to be ready and prepare for the long career journey ahead.

Choose which type of nursing career you want

Basically there are two nursing career you can take. One as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and the other as a Registered Nurse (RN).  There is actually a noticeable difference between the two closely related careers. RN’s have more subjects and spend more time in school earning their professional nursing degree.  While LPN’s earn a degree in practical nursing. RN’s have better opportunity in terms of high compensation and career growth.

Learn, Study and pass your course

The best preparation for a nursing career is by making a good reputation in your academic performance.  These lessons you got while earning your degree in nursing are vital in your chosen career. It’s preferable to have basic to advance knowledge on the fundamentals of nursing which are very useful in your line of work.

Make sure you pass the licensure exam

Implement strategies that will increase your chances of passing the nursing board exam in your location. You can enroll in tutorial classes or spend a time doing self-review before you take the exam. Through the help of dedication and the right preparation a career in nursing will be within your reach.

Student’s guide for choosing the right healthcare education

One of the oldest and top industry in the world is the field of Healthcare. Each year hundreds of new graduates are added in the lists of healthcare professionals offering medial service to help the sickly. In order to be part of this highly respected profession, one must undergo proper education and training. Offering healthcare service is not easy as carpentry. In order to practice such profession people need to qualify and pass professional accreditation which can be difficult.

If you are planning to have a career in the healthcare industry, it’s best that you seek the right educational institution. The school you choose can affect the level of skills you will have in the future. You may want to enroll to an institution that offers high quality healthcare education. Your choice of school can help have the right skills and ability to provide satisfying patient care in the future.

To help you find the suitable healthcare education that you need, here’s a short guide:

  • Choose a reputable educational institution. The number of schools offering programs in healthcare has been increasing in the past years. This is due to the increase in demand for healthcare professionals. You should select an institution that has created a highly respected reputation in terms of giving high quality education.
  • Pick the institution that produced a lot of successful healthcare professionals. The number of successful professionals from a school is a good indicator what kind of education you will be getting. You want to be educated in an institution wherein there is a high success rate among graduates.

Choosing the right educational institution is a step closer to attaining your plans to having successful career in the field of healthcare. Given the education and training you have, you will surely pass any professional accreditation exams that is required to practice a triumphant healthcare career.

Importance of Fundamentals of Nursing

Fundamentals of nursing are the courses that teach the basic principles and procedures of nursing. In the fundamentals of nursing, the student attends classes and provides care to chosen patients. The course highlights the significance of the fundamental needs of humans and competence in fundamental skills as prerequisites to providing extensive nursing care.

The nursing practice has to be dependent and based on nursing theories. These theories are proven and tested for so many years. These theories are the basis of the nursing discipline and what makes it a profession. The nursing concepts supply direction and assistance for structuring professional nursing practice, advancement, and research. It also differentiates the focus of nursing from other professions. It is designed to guide assessment, involvement, and evaluation of nursing care.

The theories also supply a rationale for collecting reliable and valid data about the health status of patients. These are essential for effective decision making and implementation. They assist in creating criteria to measure the quality of nursing care. They develop a common nursing terminology to use in communicating with other health care professionals. Lastly, nursing theories improve the autonomy of nursing by understanding its very own independent functions.

In nursing research, nursing theories offer a structure for producing knowledge and new ideas. They guide in discovering knowledge gaps in the specific field of study. Eventually, they give a systematic method of identification questions for study, select variables, translate findings, and authenticate nursing interventions. To comprehend nursing theories, a theory, conceptual frameworks, theory and conceptual model must first be defined. A theory is a system of ideas that is proposed to describe a given phenomena.

Concepts are the foundations of theory, are abstract ideas or mental images of phenomena. A conceptual framework is a collection of related concepts and processes. It provides an overall view or orientation to concentrate thoughts. A conceptual model is an illustration or diagram of a conceptual framework.


What are the fundamentals of Nursing?

The need for quality healthcare and its increasing demand puts pressure on any country to produce competitive and highly skilled nurses. To be able to do this, nursing programs must be able to extend to their nursing students how important is the profession, its roles and responsibilities, its effect on the industry etc. As the nursing students start their journey, they must first learn the basic foundations of the course and the profession in general. By learning this, the students will be able to grow and develop, following the essential foundation of their course.

In general, the fundamental subjects are one of the most exciting subjects of the nursing students. They will be thought of the basic principles, procedures, techniques, calculations etc. However, these are also important phase since they will be carrying the learning they have all throughout the course and their career as a nurse. The students will also be able to learn the fundamentals of nursing care in different health settings. Learning the proper way of treating and dealing with patients is essential to be effective and competitive. As early as the start of the course, they already learn the nursing science as well as the practices that are backed with evidences and researches gathered throughout the ages.

The fundamentals of nursing subjects are a mixture of tutorials, lectures, workshops and exposures. This will help them identify situations that affect the daily setting of a nursing practice. Nursing students, through these fundamentals, are being welcome in the field of health care. They must be able to reflect on how important is the course and what are the skills and the things they need to learn to become a professional nurse.

Fundamentals of Nursing Course

Nurses play a big role in the Healthcare industry. In fact, they are the most dominant in terms of their numbers. They are advocates of wellness, decision maker and an aid to the patients’ recovery. The nursing learning process will help students apply principles of biological, physical, as well as social sciences.  Basic elements of health, nutrition, pharmacology and disease will be presented among students.  Basic concepts of nursing are introduced and basic nursing skills are taught and practiced in the nursing lab.

The Fundamentals of Nursing course will provide lessons to students to give them ideas and perspective about the nursing history, current issues and updates of nursing as well as its history. Basic skills and values will also be taught to students such as therapeutic communication, nursing diagnosis, infection control, ethics and legal issues, basic physical assessment and competent care. There are laboratory exposures which trains the students in taking vitals, using gadgets and apparatuses, even teaching you how to put-up an NG tube.

Dealing with pressure and stress will also be part of the course. The nursing profession will require enough patience and sufficient skills to deal with different clinical conditions and settings. Stress will always be a part of the job and learning to deal with it will be important for the nurse to endure the job. Different schools offer different approaches in teaching their students the fundamentals of nursing. This may also depend on how their professors or nursing educators build the teaching program. These instructors must be highly qualified and trained to pass on the learning and skills to the students. Choosing a program or school that matches the needs of the student is vital in building his future as a nurse or nursing educator. It will also all depend on the student on how he applies his learning to his profession.

Programs Teaching Fundamentals of Nursing

If you are among those who find satisfaction in helping and looking after people, then nursing is the best suited profession for you. There is a great demand for nursing staff in the health care sector that can look after sick patients. These days, nursing staff are not only limited to medical centers, but they are equally in demand at treatment centers, voluntary organizations, pharmaceutical companies, hospices, jails, residential areas etc. Nursing is a growing profession with no signs of saturation or decrease. Hence, the first step to start a profession in patient care is to get registered in a college of nursing. There are many universities, colleges and community colleges that provide programs on nursing for learners desperate to learn basic skills and fundamentals of nursing.

However, the qualifications for an individual to engage in a diploma or a degree in nursing are only after finishing secondary school. Once registered in the course, an individual is taught the basics of human anatomy, physiology, biology, other primary principles, nursing skills and ideas to handle sufferers properly. The fundamentals of nursing include the basic and important jobs of a CNA in the healthcare industry. These primary responsibilities are activities of everyday life like bathing, cleansing, grooming, dressing, ambulation, exercising, feeding etc. Apart from correct diagnosis and medications, the recovery of an individual also depends on the type of care and support he gets from the hospital staff. Hence, it is necessary to know and carry out the fundamentals of nursing process and practice efficiently. Most of the training programs accomplish direct placement to people who qualify with good grades.

A degree program in nursing is generally of three to four years long. This program is separated into two parts. One part of the training is done in classes where learners are introduced to the fundamentals of nursing. This is called the Common Foundation Program. While the other aspect concentrates on the working experience and is performed in medical centers or medical organizations. After studying the primary principles in nursing, an individual is needed to choose his/her field of expertise. For example, specializing in psychological health or specializing in learning disabilities or in nursing for children. Those people who opt for a diploma course in nursing spend three years, while those who opt for a degree program in nursing are required to study for four years. However, there are some organizations that offer a degree in nursing in just three years.