Reduce the Path to a Higher education Degree. You may be able to reduce your college expenses and graduate faster by getting CLEP examinations. That is because getting these examinations can generate you college credit for subjects you already know. Jump right into innovative programs. What Is CLEP? The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) has been the most widely used credit-by-examination program for more than 40 years. It is approved by 2,900 schools and is given in more than 1,700 test centers and on army bases. CLEP allows learners of different ages and qualification to show their expertise of college-level content and generate college credit. It offers 33 examinations in five subject matters; covering content taught in programs that learners generally take in their first two years of school.
Why Take CLEP Exams? If you’re planning to enter college, College Level Examination Program can help you spend less. Here is how. Get Higher education Credit. If you pass a CLEP examination, you may generate up to 12 credits. The amount of credit you can generate on an individual CLEP examination differs with each college. Earning CLEP credit can benefit you in various ways. If you generate college credit by getting a CLEP examination, you can preserve lots of cash in college tuition expenses and charges, student-loan charges, and book expenses. A CLEP examination expense is only $77, while the average cost of an excellent course is $700.
CLEP credits make it possible for you to place out of needed basic sessions and leap right into more-challenging innovative programs. Putting out of needed or optional classes can also free up time while attending college. CLEP is a time-saving way to generate a degree. College Level Examination Program learners seeking a bachelor’s stage cut enough it took to graduate student by two-and-a-half to ten months.