What You Need To Know About an LVN

An LVN or Licensed Vocational Nurse is defined as a person who provide care to patients with the direction of nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. This job title is only specific to Texas and California. In other states, these care providers are known as Licensed Practical Nurses. The basic duties of an LVN is to attend to patient’s needs. When the LVN cannot meet these needs, a physician or other professional will then be contacted. For instance, an LVN takes a patient’s vital signs: temperature, pulse rate, and blood pressure. If the results show that the patient is out of the normal, then the LVN will report to the doctor. Since LVNs act as a middle man between the patient and doctor, they should accurately deliver information.

How to Become an LVN?
Educational requirements differ from state to state. Generally, you will need to graduate from a vocational nursing program offered by community colleges or vocational schools. These programs both have classroom and clinical training and subjects that include physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, first aid, pediatrics, and patient care.

In some states, those who have completed nursing training programs need to take the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) in practical nursing to get a license.

Other Career Options for LVNs
A licensed vocational nursing provides a career in occupational therapy. As an occupational therapy assistant, they help disabled and ill patients with their everyday tasks and help accomplish them. In order to have a permanent occupation on this field, an associate degree is needed plus state licensing. Reports have projected that there will be a growing need for occupation therapy assistants in the next ten years.

Another career path to take is becoming a Registered nurse. It requires a nursing diploma, various nursing degrees, and passage of the NCLEX. The same research above shows that there will be an increase in job opportunities for Registered nurses until 2020.

Career Advancement for LVN

If you want to become a health professional much earlier, you should become an LVN or a licensed vocational nurse. LVN (Licensed Practical Nurse) is the fastest way to become a health professional because the training and the classes are not as comprehensive as RNs or advanced practice medical staff.

If you are looking to become an LVN, you must be very supportive and caring and be an excellent care provider. LVNs and LPNs work with a wide range of individual care responsibilities, such as showering, providing medication, collecting samples for lab assessment, tracking sufferers and medical equipment, and dressing of injuries. They also record data from sufferers, such as vital signs and any symptoms described by the individual. Once you completed secondary university, you may now search for a career school or a college that offers the LVN or LVP programs. Most programs are completed within a year. The program contains educational setting lessons and classes and a hands-on training with actual sufferers.

After you complete your course, you cannot practice LVN unless you obtain a certificate or license. The NCLEX-PN is the licensure evaluation given by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. As said by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the test contains four areas: safe and effective care atmosphere, health marketing and maintenance, psychosocial reliability, and physical reliability. The LVN works under the direction of physicians and RNs. However, there are also profession improvements for LVNs. If you choose to become a registered nurse, then you must take the LVN to RN program. After taking the program, you must then successfully pass the NCLEX-RN to finally become a Registered Nurse. If you are an LVN working in an elderly care facility, you can also enhance your profession in becoming the head health nurse and manage other LVNs in their work.

LVN Schools

If you are thinking about being a licensed vocational nurse, you are most likely wondering which of the LVN schools to select. But that won’t function as the problem you face if this involves nursing schools. Your challenge might be getting recognized. Now, if you are inside a province or small town, and you won’t want to move, your options on which LVN school to go to might be quite limited, since there may be one that is close enough to where you reside. However in most medium or large metropolitan areas in the U.S., prospective nursing school students will often have several schools to select from. In a few of the greatest metropolitan areas they’ve got several.


If this involves LVN schools, the more you will find in your town, the better. Nursing education is strictly controlled in every state, much more than other majors, since it is a medical area. Finding qualified nursing teachers can be challenging, and may limit the size of the classes offered. Most LVN schools have always had more candidates than places on their behalf, and the issue is just getting worse. That’s due mainly towards the economy becoming a lot more centered on healthcare, along with other industries less prosperous as they lately were.

Meaning, increasing numbers of people are applying to LVN schools nowadays, which make it much harder than it was once to gain entrance right into a program. Will new LVN schools start opening? Yes, you are able to bank on it. When they don’t, America’s already critical nursing shortage can get much worse, and also the government can’t allow that to happen. It is in your best interest to wisely select the LVN school that you wish to enroll it. After all, this is an investment to your career as a future LVN.

LVN Programs

LVN is the greatest starting point to work within the medical field. The health care industry is well-planned and you will find a variety of medical institutions that provide a multitude of job possibilities. Medical students who finish in health educational institutions can get to go in stable, rewarding careers within the health care industry and also have great prospects of finding employment possibilities within the best medical facilities in the United States.

People who would like to develop a career within the medical branch but lack previous training and experience are encouraged to begin with the licensed vocational nurse profession or LVN. The LVN profession brings many financial benefits and involves carrying out a number of easy tasks regarding supplying patients with fundamental care (feeding patients, collecting samples for testing, taking vital signs for example body temperature, blood pressure and pulse, planning and giving injections to patients, using and regularly altering dressings, etc). Additionally, the path of certification is short and doesn’t involve lots of effort or intensive training.

A very motivated student with the likelihood of the licensed vocational nurse profession may become licensed in one year. Even though the students’ success in the certification exam as well as in their future professions mostly is dependent on the standard from the completed vocational nursing program, the outcomes strongly rely on the students’ importance, dedication towards the LVN profession and private capabilities too. LVN programs are trained by experienced and devoted teachers and derived from official LVN training. All LVN programs are divided in 2 sections: the very first portion of the program concentrates on theoretical learning, as the second one involves using the learned concepts and methods into practice.

Even though the curricular subjects included in LVN programs can differ, the LVN practice is dependent on exactly the same steps. Throughout the LVN training, students learn to perform numerous tasks, and may polish the abilities and capabilities needed within their future professions. Vocational nursing schools will also be correctly outfitted; reaping helpful benefits to students with modern, fully outfitted labs, spacious classes, huge libraries, and so forth. Each one of these qualities has rapidly made LVN schools very popular from coast to coast.