Let us be truthful, many of us who’re Licensed Vocational Nurses want to become RNs, which is the reason why LVN to RN programs are extremely popular today. Created for the express reason of aiding you in passing the NCLEX-RN exam, a number of these so-called bridge programs are filled to capacity. Training focuses on the ideas and clinical facets of RN work, and is analyzed through any approved online or on-campus program.
Vocational nursing is a superb place to start your job, but RNs are compensated considerably greater salaries, this will provide you much more career options. RNs also relish greater versatility both in their job atmosphere and work agendas in comparison to LVNs. On top of that, for individuals who are particularly ambitious types, upward mobility from RN to BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) positions and ultimately even Masters (MSN) and PhD-equivalent positions is substantially simpler.
Attaining acceptance into an LVN to RN bridge program requires candidates to carry a high school degree or equivalent, also to have attained a GPA of no less than 2.0 throughout their training in almost any LVN programs designed in their state. Some programs also require students to have completed certain classes (e.g. anatomy, physiology, etc.) within the last 5 years, or a “recency waiver” excluding them out of this requirement due to their relevant experience.
RNs certainly work relentlessly; they also are compensated perfectly for any career in Nursing that many people view as highly rewarding and exciting. If you are presently an LVN or LPN, and even move to an advanced status within the healthcare when it comes to duties and pay, consider signing up for an LVN to RN bridge program. Presuming you’ve formerly completed a certified LVN program, it will usually require merely a year to complete all your training. Don’t lose out about this fantastic chance to make your dreams a real possibility!