Nursing School Accreditation: NLNAC and CCNE  

The emergence of nursing programs everywhere is the way to answer the influx of nursing students. Nursing schools are struggling to accommodate the growing number of nursing students that is why many nursing programs seem to be popping up all over. With so many options, one way for students to identify a quality nursing program is through national accreditation. Nursing programs that have national accreditation are assured to have achieved established goals and meet expected standards and outcomes because accrediting bodies will hold them accountable.

While it is not required for a nursing student to be in a nursing program that is accredited by the NLNAC (National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission) or CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education)  to take the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Exam), there are advantageous points for students to be in an accredited nursing program. Accreditation with either the NLNAC or CCNE can affect the student’s financial aid eligibility. If the program is not accredited, the student may not be eligible for federal or state financial aid, employer tuition reimbursement programs, scholarships, or grants.

NLNAC and CCNE have similar criteria and standards. However, the difference is the accreditation periods between individual schools and programs. The type of programs being accredited is also another difference between the accreditation organizations. CCNE only accredits bachelor and master programs while NLNAC accredits all types of nursing education programs. It includes undergraduate (practical, diploma, associate, and bachelor) as well as graduate (master and clinical doctorate) programs. The list of programs accredited for both NLNAC and CCNE is posted in their respective websites.

Knowing this information, it is important to use caution when selecting a nursing program to be in. Accreditation is one aspect you should consider in a nursing program. Which accrediting organization is the program accredited and why did they choose the particular body?

NLNAC Accreditation Levels of Demand

NLN Approved Nursing Schools are those schools with nursing programs that has been thoroughly evaluated by and reach the standards of the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission or NLNAC. For over 100 years, ever since 1893, the NLN has been dedicated to quality and nursing staff in universities and others who provide nursing education, Nursing care organizations and even members of the public, continue to trust and prefer the NLNAC completely because of the high requirements it constantly maintains. The National League for Nursing or NLN is the first nursing company in the United States. Apart from offering accreditation for programs through the NLNAC, such as degrees, and associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degree, the NLN also offer networking opportunities, research grants and community policy projects. Located in New York, the NLN keeps providing enhanced, improved and extended services to its members.

With such great requirements and over a millennium of genuine quality, an NLNAC accredited nursing school will certainly be an excellent company. The assurance is given that the universities and also the programs meet and/or exceed requirements that are regarded the standard for the supply of nursing education. Educational institutions that are just being regarded for accreditation are regarded to be applicants, however, the fact that they receive candidacy from the NLN, is not an assurance that they will be accredited; this is the first step, and they might come up short of satisfying the requirements.

Furthermore, NLN Approved Nursing Educational institutions would have faculty with appropriate credentials, program that is maximum for the planning of a well-rounded, fully-educated health professional specialist, and a huge cohort of graduates that are effective in the licensure examinations. The aim of these accredited schools is to supply the medical care system with medical professionals that are knowledgeable and ready to provide quality care to the ill, injured and disabled; and health professional teachers who are highly capable of passing on the wealth of experience and knowledge they possess to the next generation of nurses.