Nursing Standards of Care

A standard of care states what a person must do or perform in a health care activity. One particular example of standard of care may illustrate what you should do if you found a patient just fallen to the floor. The certified nursing assistant must call for help, adhere to the patient and look at the person to see if they are hurt or needs further treatment. If you can’t do these things, you are not following the standard of care. If you don’t do what is expected to a nursing assistant, you may be held accountable for any harm or damage done to the patient or citizen.

Different states have their own standards of care that must be followed by nursing assistants. Nursing assistants must report abnormal signs or symptoms they observe during their shift. In case a nursing assistant doesn’t report shortness of breath to the nurse, this nursing assistant isn’t providing care based on the standard of care in their state.

An institution or association may have their own standards of care. For instance, our national law states that patient and resident health information have to be kept discreet, that means no other person should access it unless authorized. In case a nursing assistant tells other people about the health condition of another individual, they’re not following a standard of care. All workplaces have a policy and procedure book that has standards of care. There are certain rules and regulations that must be strictly followed.

States provides the scope of practice for nurses, doctors, nursing assistants and others. They list exactly what a person can and cannot do in their job. If nursing assistant assists an individual with their medicines in a nursing home, they’re doing things outside of their scope of practice. They’re only allowed to do this in an assisted living home. Also, if a nursing assistant provides a person their medicine anywhere, they are not following their scope of practice.

Importance of NLNAC to Nursing Programs

Choosing a nursing school is an integral part of your career. There are a lot of considerations to take into account, like the distance of the school from where you live and the cost of the program. One thing to consider is the accreditation of the nursing school. Nursing, like some professions, has more than one accrediting agency. The university is either accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

Let’s get to know the background of this accreditation agency. NLNAC was first created in 1893. When the new Higher Education Act made some changes in the accrediting requirements and processes, the NLNAC was not able to comply. This made way to the entrance of the CCNE in 1998. There are people who favor the NLNAC accreditation because it supports a larger mixture of institutional missions and therefore provides greater opportunities for students. Some say that it had an explicit standard addressing a program’s integrity, which the CCNE lacked. Having an accreditation basically controls the profession’s quality and standards. They are referred as gatekeepers to quality. Through accreditation, students will be guided on what program or school to choose, determining the more dominant program and the more competitive. The two accrediting agencies have their own focus and standards.  Both have their pros and cons, but helps improve the quality and effectiveness of a nursing school.

Accreditation is very imperative for the forthcoming nursing student when choosing an entry-level nursing program. In the U.S., all nursing schools must have a license and an approval from the state where it is located. There are certain requirements that must be met by the school to be accredited. Whatever accreditation the school will use, it will enhance the quality of its nursing program which will create more competitive nurses.


The Right Online Nursing School

There are many kinds of healthcare programs available leading to different healthcare degrees. The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program requires 2 years of study and offers with the essential, efficient components of healthcare. The profession of nursing is a noble job including direct individual care in all settings. Nursing staff help doctors and other physicians position from medical centers to free treatment centers. Nursing staff are dedicated to virtually any healthcare industry.

There are many kinds of healthcare programs available leading to different healthcare degrees. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is a four-year program. After completing these programs, a board evaluation may be taken by nurses to become an RN. The test is recognized as NCLEX-RN. In picking a school of nursing, it’s very important to make sure the programs provided by the school are approved by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission or NLNAC. An approved program must be completed by you to get the board evaluation. Going for a healthcare course today is extremely ideal, as there is a shortage of nurses in the United States.

At the moment, more and more healthcare educational institutions are providing web-based programs, designed for adult students who have the desire for a chance to learn that will fit their busy lifestyles. These programs offer practical, quality courses, particular academic advisement, skilled healthcare colleges, growth and job flexibility and university funding for individuals who qualify. Other features of searching for an on the internet healthcare programs include capability of arrangement, deal with key concepts appropriate to expert configurations, respect for previous encounter and interaction with friends who share similar expert experiences and values. There are many on the internet healthcare educational institutions to select from. You should make sure that this program is approved by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission or NLNAC.


Accreditation “is a process of acknowledging schools for performance, reliability and top quality that entitles them to the confidence of the academic group and the public. In the United States, this recognition is extended largely through nongovernmental, voluntary membership associations that establish accreditation requirements, evaluate organizations against those requirements and approve organizations that fulfill the requirements.”



  • What is the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)? – The NLNAC “is nationally recognized as a specialized accrediting agency for both post-secondary and college degree applications in nursing knowledge.” The NLNAC accredits all types of post-secondary medical applications, including those offered by group and technical colleges.
  • How does program accreditation differ from program approval? – Program accreditation indicates a program satisfies specific national requirements identified by an accrediting body, such as NLNAC. Program acceptance indicates a program satisfies requirements described by state policies. In the case of nursing, a program also must fulfill policies described by the state Nurse Practice Act. State program acceptance allows nursing graduates to sit for the national certification examination (NCLEX) to be licensed as RNs.
  • Is NLN certification mandatory? – NLN certification is optionally available, but a suitable certification for nursing programs to have. NLN certification of a nursing program indicates the program satisfies six NLNAC specifications related to mission and administration, faculty and staff, students, curriculum, resources and outcomes. Each standard has between five and 10 specifications, each of which must be met to obtain certification.
  • Why is NLNAC certification important? – Although the process is non-reflex, certification indicates a nursing program satisfies the NLNAC’s established specifications for training and college student development. Government features, such as veterans’ medical centers, require that job candidates graduate from a nationally approved nursing program and some institutions have the same need for transfer learners.
  • Is graduating from a nationally approved associate degree in nursing required to engage in a baccalaureate or master degree in nursing? – Not all educational institutions have this need, but you should always check the entrance specifications of your preferred transfer school carefully.