Accreditation Watch

Unaccredited nursing programs will gladly greet you, take your cash, and disgorge you into the job market where you will be at a serious drawback in comparison to graduates from approved programs. How does this work? State boards of nursing agree to educational institutions of nursing and have the power to shut down a nursing program. Their job is to protect the public, so if they are pleased that the university is doing an acceptable job of turning out certified, safe graduates who are passing the NCLEX at a good rate, they will agree to the program. This is done on a state-by-state level and approval is not the same as accreditation.

Two bodies take care of accreditation in the United States: the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission or NLNAC and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education or CCNE. These bodies make sure national requirements and reliability of nursing curricula and are available completely to make sure the reliability of nursing education across the country. They do not have the power to shut down a college of nursing, but they can take their accreditation to sanction the system.


Why would a nursing university not be accredited? These organizations require master’s-prepared staff, and not all programs have enough teachers with this education, particularly programs for practical nursing staff. Accreditation is also expensive. The site visits cost the program money, as do the yearly account charges for the accrediting body. In addition, the university must often pay teachers for a longer period invested in planning for the visit by the accrediting body. And, of course, sometimes the university does not meet the national requirements established by the accrediting organizations for educational institutions of nursing.

Most nursing programs that are approved by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission say so noticeably on their publications or Web sites. If the program you are looking at does not say anything about accreditation, that is a red flag and should immediate investigation work. Do not be shy about asking, either. You’re about to spend a lot of cash on your nursing education and you do not want to reach the finish line only to find that it did not really count for anything.

A Collaborative Model of Nursing Education

A new effort designed to ease the conversion between associate and baccalaureate degree nursing programs started out to its first class of learners this summer. Based at the School of Nursing at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA), the program enables learners with associate degrees in nursing (ADN) to earn baccalaureate degrees in nursing (BSN) in 12 months. Supporters of the program see this as a big improvement over the typical ADN-to-BSN conversion, which can take learners two years to complete and often includes repetitive training because of unreliable curricula across nursing educational institutions. It will also enhance diversity in the nursing employees and help develop more wellness professional management, followers said.

“The idea is that learners will get their BSN in a year with no repeating of courses,” said Mary Dickow, MPA, state-wide director of the California Action Coalition, a group of wellness professional management and nurse champions who will work to enhance nursing and nursing care in situations by changing the nursing career. The California Action Coalition is a part of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, a national campaign supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and AARP that is attempting to convert health care through nursing.

The CSULA programs draws from a white paper on nursing education upgrade, called the California Collaborative Model for Nursing Education (CCMNE), which was released in 2008 by the California Institute for Nursing & Health Care. The model set out in the white paper and now implemented at CSULA, has been duplicated in other configurations around the state.

The program’s overall goal is to create a more highly knowledgeable nursing workforce, which is needed to ensure there is an adequate supply of nursing staff and to enhance the quality of care. Research has shown that BSN-prepared nursing staff provides more secure care, in part because of their background in pathophysiology and because of their understanding of disease procedures, Judson said. Equipped with this type of nursing education, many companies in the region are now demanding that new nursing staff hold bachelor’s degree or higher, leaving ADN-prepared nursing staff with less job opportunities. This program is a life line that allows many to continue their nursing careers.

Importance of Psychology in Nursing

Psychology has its origins distributed in every single industry. It has become crucial to study the human mind for the better result of operations carried out on a regular basis. It has affected many thoughts and is known to have a great impact on healthcare as well. Psychology and healthcare are leagues apart but at a certain level, they are connected. Nursing concentrates entirely on assisting individuals recover from serious and chronic diseases, while psychology concentrates on dealing with the emotional issues of individuals. Nursing staff have to understand the psychology of their sufferers and help them psychologically for a rapid restoration.

Nurses have to manage sufferers during severe healthcare concerns and deal with their emotions and actions. Patients begin to depend on nurses who try to reduce their emotional stress. It has been seen in many cases that physical sickness results in emotional interference. At this stage, nurses have to be sympathetic and understanding. Nursing staff are trained in a manner that they help sufferers psychologically by dealing with the emotional changes. Psychology in the healthcare industry is trained intentionally. The modern medical literary works on counseling psychology and clinical psychology helps nurses perform their everyday tasks. They communicate with sufferers on a regular basis and it is easy for them to recognize the signs of emotional disruptions compared to other healthcare employees. It guarantees proper care to sufferers and professional services are given to them.

Along the process of treatment, they create a strong relationship with the sufferers as away from home, they expect individuals to be helpful and sympathetic to them. And nurses are trained to do so. Nursing staff have to have some outstanding characteristics such as, tolerance, helpful characteristics, sympathy, love for others and the ability to feel the pain of others. In many ways, psychology has been assisting the healthcare professionals to serve a huge number of individuals.

National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission Basic Info

If you are a potential student looking for the right nursing school, you should become acquainted with the various accrediting companies. These groups, which range in qualifications and objective, are your resource for discovering educational institutions that fulfill national requirements in education and allow graduates to sit for the NCLEX examination. Of these accrediting companies, one of the most essential is the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. This national company is dedicated to advertising quality in nursing education. The company looks at individual nursing teachers, providing possibilities for them to build their abilities and program with others in the area, as well as offers certification for NCLEX preparedness.

nlnac_logoWhat does the NLNAC do? The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission or NLNAC is accountable for accrediting specific nursing teaching programs, including:

  • Clinical Doctorates
  • Master’s Programs
  • Bachelor’s Programs
  • Associate Programs
  • Nursing Diplomas
  • Practical Nursing Programs

In this competence, the NLNAC is a great resource for discovering programs that will prepare nursing staff to sit for the NCLEX examination and to get into the field of nursing once they successfully graduate and get certified. NLNAC is also essential in guaranteeing that nursing educational institutions are qualified to get government financing via student grants or loans; for example, unless a nursing program is identified by the NLNAC or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, you may not be able to use FAFSA to help pay for your education. The NLNAC goes one step further, as well, by giving support to learners beyond the financial level. Schools can turn to the NLNAC for help with student guidance and recruiting, while learners can learn more about shifting their credits from one school to another.

LPN RN Bridge Online Programs

Did you know that a licensed practical nurse can now shift to another profession and become a registered nurse online? Yes, you have read it right! Aside from the conventional education, you can now complete nursing courses on the internet through LPN RN bridge programs, on the internet. This kind of program is not as well-known as other web based programs, but it is gradually becoming an option for some licensed practical nursing staff.

Online LPN to RN programs are regarded as bridge programs. To put it simply, this kind of program allows an individual to link the missing capabilities and educational topics between the two careers. So, you may be asking, why would a licensed practical health professional choose to become a registered nurse? Of course, there is no particular response to this query. Although, here are some of the most typical factors for a profession change:

  • Higher salary – RNs have higher wage than licensed practical nurses. This is relevant to the simple reality that the RNs generally have more obligations than LPNs. On average, a nurse can generate around $68,000 yearly as opposed to $54,000 regular wage of LPNs.
  • Career advancement – A lot of individuals want to further their career. Becoming a nurse is one way. You should keep in mind that to be able to achieve your goals, you always need to challenge yourself to become better when it comes to your profession. Entering into a LPN to RN bridge program is absolutely a right choice when it comes to profession growth.

These are just some of the many factors why individuals would want to move from being a licensed practical nurse to a registered nurse.

Fundamentals of Nursing Overview

Once you choose to become a healthcare professional and serve humankind, there is no power in the universe that can stop you from offering this Godly assistance. There is a very popular requirement of nurses these days. The courses are extensive and easy to use with all the practical ideas in nursing. It has been determined that nurses get a higher pay in the nursing industry all through the U.S. The subject is as easy as what we study in business economics. And, more demand for nurses with fewer qualified will increase pay scale.

You have choices in selecting the course of nursing you want to study. If you just want to study the fundamentals of nursing course, you will just have to invest an average of one year in learning. The course is offered by Accrediting Institution of Health Information Educational institutions (ABHES), or Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Once the course is finished, you have the choice to apply as a Nursing Assistant.

If you wish to proceed further, you can graduate and continue your profession as Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). LPN needs 2-3 years of professional course work by an approved higher education institute within the U.S. Further, if you become a Registered Nurse (RN), you get the best possibilities available. To become a fully licensed RN in the U.S., you are required to finish your course and get a Bachelor’s degree from an approved college. For nurses, it is usually a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN). You must continue learning until and unless you get your next permit. The nationally required certificate for all nurses in the U.S. is NCLEX-RN. Fundamentals of nursing test will show your capabilities and understanding of all factors of a patient health and care. There are different kinds of nursing publications available in the market to get ready for the RWAR. One of the guides to study is Fundamentals of Nursing, by Patricia Potter and Angel Griffin Perry, 7th and 8th Editions.

Difference Between NLNAC and CCNE

The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) are two of the most identified accrediting organizations in the country. They often identify qualifications for college student aid or career practicality. Economic aid organizations simply will not finance non-accredited nursing programs, and healthcare companies are not comfortable choosing graduates from non-accredited nursing educational institutions. To make sure nurses can find sufficient educational funding and secure a job, both the CCNE and NLNAC encourage tight specifications in a wide range of qualified programs. CCNE vs. NLNAC certification varies in the sense that the CCNE does not accredit LPN, Diploma, or ADN programs, while the NLNAC does.

All baccalaureate, graduate and residence nursing programs working under CCNE certification do so according to nationally identified specifications. Medical certification, diploma and professional degree programs working under NLNAC certification do so using the same specifications. Contribution in both is completely non-reflex. The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission is a supplement of the NLN and is accountable for all activities related to the certification of nursing programs. The NLNAC is based in Atlanta, Georgia.

The NLN provides the Total Assessment Program (TAP) for NCLEX Success, an extensive testing services program for healthcare professional teachers, learners, and experts. TAP is a complete planning program to evaluate clients’ capabilities and accomplishments at the end of a nursing program, prior to entrance. The TAP program includes Pre-Admission Examinations, Achievement Examinations such as Practice Assessments and Remediation, Pre-NCLEX Preparedness Examinations, Live Review and Question Review Bank (QRB).

Most nursing programs seek CCNE certification because it performs a critical role in the educational funding and career process. But this position is more than just a name. To maintain an approved position, nursing programs must adhere to a number of guidelines. And in an effort to make sure nursing programs adhere to those guidelines, the CCNE functions within a dedication to not only function within a set of particular objectives, but also expect specified results.

Nursing Education Degree

While 2.6 million people were hired over the United States in 2008 as nurses, this number is far from satisfactory to the developing health care industry. As America’s Baby-Boomer era approaches retirement and their resplendent years, they put a progressively substantial load on the nation’s health care foundation. Nursing is the most popular profession inside health care with the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics assessing that 560,000 new nursing jobs will be required by 2018. A standout amongst the most popular positions inside nursing spins around education and training. Gaining a Doctor of Nursing Education is an extraordinary path to plan yourself for a great position in nursing.

The Doctor of Nursing Education degree is available to train current nurses to apply for positions inside the health care field, responsible substantially for the instruction of new nurses and doing new research. This Phd degree is offered in conventional on-campus education programs or through different online schools and can take from four to six years to finish.  Those fascinated by enlisting in a Doctor of Nursing Education need to meet certain prerequisites. While the prerequisites will differ from program to program, yet common prerequisites incorporate:

  • Gpa over 3.0
  • Transcripts from master’s degree education
  • Finished Master of Science in Nursing
  • A current Registered Nurse license

Once accepted in a program, learners will confront a tough journey that will incorporate coursework, research, and a long dissertation at the end. The first two years of the program procedure require students to finish their coursework. Common Phd courses incorporate yet are not restricted to the accompanying:

  • Nurturing Science Foundations
  • Health Care Ethics
  • Nursing Education
  • Senior Health Nursing Clinical
  • Health Care Informatics

Courses will shift from program to program and can likewise change hinging on the region of specialization that the person picks. Scholars are swayed to pick a specialization after their first two years of coursework are finished.

National League for Nursing and Nursing Schools

Nursing programs are your first step towards a career in the healthcare profession. There are a lot of methods that you can get started as a health professional, but practically, all you need is that you complete an accepted nursing training course or earn your nursing degree from a qualified nursing school.  When looking for an above average nursing school, you need to be aware of the kind of nursing programs it has, the associated price of educational costs and school charges and if grants, scholarships or other economical help is provided. Also be certain that it is fully accepted to the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) or the Percentage on Commission on Collegiate Nursing and Education (CCNE).

If it has this accreditation, then you can be confident that the quality of these nursing programs are top quality and that you will acquire the top quality nursing education that you are looking for. Make sure the school actually provides hands-on clinical firsthand experience and has an outstanding amount of graduates passing the National Council Licensure Examination or NCLEX too. Graduates that belong to accredited nursing school programs always have a better chance of getting a job more quickly, as health services and other companies recognize the better quality nursing training and education that you have obtained.

So, as well as providing an all-inclusive and well rounded nursing education, many nursing programs give you the opportunity to obtain more experience in your specialized field just like pediatric medicine, neonatal care, ‘forensics’ and midwifery. With a worldwide shortage of qualified nursing staff and aging communities that want better health care, the call for first class nursing applications has never been higher. According to government research, approximately 20% extra nursing staff will be needed as nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses and RNs. So, look for that National League for Nursing seal in the nursing program you want to enroll in.

Peer Learning and Nursing Education

Nursing education research has often focused on traditional educating techniques such as classroom setting studying, a behaviorism-based educating method depending on passive studying. More efficient student-centric studying techniques are now being utilized to motivate efficient school student contribution and creativity. One of these techniques is peer learning, in which colleagues understand from one another, including efficient school student contribution and where the school student takes liability for their studying. Despite being used for many years, one of the limitations to progression of peer learning is a lack of reliability in its definition. It is known by different exchangeable headings such as “cooperative studying,” “mentoring,” “peer review studying,” “peer training,” “peer guidance,” “problem-based studying,” and “team studying.”

Peer learning has been used in education and learning to deal with critical thinking, psychomotor abilities, intellectual development, Nursing skills, and educational benefits. One type of peer studying is problem-based studying or PBL which is recognized by learners studying from each other and from individually procured information. It is school student based, utilizing team work with the study of case research as a means of studying. On the other hand, “peer tutoring” includes individuals from similar settings helping others to understand which may occur one-on-one or as small number of groups. In nursing, high student numbers increase demands, whilst different and impressive educating techniques are beneficial with peer learning, offering a strategy that may be beneficial.

The Oxford Thesaurus describes a “peer” as someone of the same age or someone who was attending the same school. The term “peer” can also refer to people who have equivalent abilities or a common function of experiences. Both these explanations suit the concept of peer studying described. PBL was revealed to be efficient, particularly in the theoretical studying component to train and study, whilst peer tutoring, peer coaching, peer guidance, and the use of role play as a form of peer studying were all efficient, both in medical and theoretical aspects of nursing education and learning.