BSN Career

With a BSN, you are able to have more responsibilities in your profession, as well as obtain more information in both your clinical and theoretical places. Many times, the nurse chooses to go after a BSN degree because he or she is enthusiastic about getting a better profession as a wellness professional administrator. For some, it is an issue of economical factors. Many medical care locations provide an improved wage to those who have a BSN. And for others, the reasoning is to obtain more information in their area, and obtain the recognition that a BSN will include.


When you finish your education for a BSN, you will then be able to work within many clinical configurations. However, this degree does not allow you to work as a wellness professional specialist, a clinical lecturer, or a nurse midwife. For those expecting to become a nursing specialist, qualified doctor anesthetist, nurse executive or health policy consultant, going to school for the RN to MSN program is definitely the option you should take. These applications may appear to actually avoid the BSN degree, but it is a part of the program, usually at the very start. There are also many applications that consult the BSN and MSN level together at the time of graduation.

There are always many aspects to consider when you are considering going to college. Consider whether or not you have any other responsibilities and commitments, such as work, household, activities and more. Understanding how plenty of your energy and time you can spend to your education from the start is the first thing. Usually, the RN-to-BSN programs can be completed in two years or less. The RN-to-MSN programs generally last three years. If you are able to devote yourself completely for three years, the RN-to-MSN course will save you both cash and time in the end. But for those who have household responsibilities and/or a job that they cannot quit, the RN-to-BSN program will help you get your degree quicker, and have you making more cash as fast as possible.