The Future for Sociology Majors

Sociology is a study under the social sciences that looks on the behavior, history, growth, structure, and groups that encompass society. It looks at the things that make up and mechanizes the society. It is not to be confused with Psychology as Sociology looks at people as a whole and not as an individual.

Most of the students who took up the course were probably interested or intrigued by what the study offered and thus signed up for it. But after everything, when it is time to choose for a career path, where will these sociology majors go? Will they end up becoming sociologists simply because they took up sociology? Are there other opportunities lying in wait somewhere out there?

The answer to these questions actually lies in almost anything. Graduates of sociology majors are equipped with general knowledge as their education focused on studying the world as a whole. Thus, they can actually do anything. However, to specify the point, here are some examples of careers where their acquired skills and abilities can be applied:

As part of a social studies course, Sociology is mainly a people-course. Sociology majors can be invested in community work, wherein they could become employees or members of non-profit or non-government agencies, environmental groups and more. They could also go into the profession of law as attorneys and paralegals. Or they could help share their knowledge by going back to the schools as teachers, administrators and the like. Other career paths for sociology majors include being in businesses as public relations officers and human resource personnel, health care particularly in family planning, rehabilitation counselors, and insurance providers, and of course they are great researchers of many kinds.

This then just goes to show how Sociology offers a mass of opportunities for career and even self-development.

The Importance Of Sociology

Before sociology existed, the study of human society was based on the unscientific methods and society has never part of the central concern of any sciences.  However, since the emergence of sociology, the legitimate scientific study of society has made it possible. it has revealed that the present world is suffering from many problems, and those can only be solved through scientific study of social sciences.

It is true that we cannot understand and solve the problem of the society without the any full knowledge of its mechanism and structure. It is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge about the society, before any social policies can be carried out. Sociology studies various ideas of what might create an ideal society.

It is through sociology that we change the way we look at human beings. It is difficult for us to understand people intimately in the other areas. Every individual was raised in different and unique ways of living. We exist in different cultures and environments. We have different ways of thinking. The reason why sociology was established was so that we can understand the value and the intrinsic worth of human being. Human culture has been made richer through sociology. It trains us to give a have to proper perception to questions concerning oneself, one’s culture and one’s religion. It helps us understand other people objectively. It aims to unite the world through rationality. It has brought nations nearer to each other because of overcoming the things that divides us, like personal prejudices, ambitions and hatred.

Thus, sociology is not only important to a single human being but to the whole world. It contributes to making good citizens and it can help solve the problems of communities. It helps the individual to find his or her relation to the society. The study of sociology is one of the most urgent needs of modern society because of its ever growing complicated needs.

Studying Sociology

No one can live as an island. We have heard of this phrase countless times and it has been proven that indeed no one can survive being alone. If you have watched the movie “Castaway,” then that means you get the idea why humans thrive and develop off interaction with other humans. We need to be able to communicate in order to fulfill our physical needs and satisfy our emotional and mental development. Unlike domestic animals such as dogs, human beings are social animals.

Studying Sociology helps us understand what is going on around the world. It helps us look more objectively at our society and other societies. Sociology can provide insight into the way in which individuals, friends, families, and whole societies function and interact with one another. It directs attention to how the parts of society fit together and change, and the consequences of social change.

Sociology also improves communication skills, for both written and verbal communication. Human interaction is a vital part of studying sociology, and what better way for humans to interact than through communication? Discussions and debates are the basis of many sociology classes wherein people can explore and challenge the ideas of others. In order to defend our ideas or dispute others, as well as articulate the complex theories and abstract concepts of the principles of Sociology, good knowledge and command of English are required, thus, helping us improve our communication skills.

There are a lot of careers to choose from when we study Sociology. Aside from being “sociologists,” a job title that can be obtained through and MA or PhD degree in Sociology, many other opportunities exist such is becoming high school teachers or faculty in colleges and universities, advising students, conducting research, and publishing work. In some sectors, sociologists work closely with economists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, social workers, and others.

Methods of Testing Theories in Sociology

Sociology is the study of the human society. Before a theory in such field is considered to be reliable and true, different tests must be in place. Sociologists use three main methods to test theories: (1) surveys, (2) controlled experiments, and (3) filed observation.

Surveys, sometimes referred to public opinion poll, is the widely accepted ways of studying human behavior. Using variables, surveys measure people’s attitude towards different matters. Sociology often studies the relationship between a viewpoint and a subject while considering elements like education, age, and gender.

Questionnaires are usually given to a controlled group where they will answer either worded or objective type questions. The survey questions also ask about their background and demographic information. Through this method of data gathering, information such as consumer habits, racial discrimination, and other human behavior and activity are provided. In addition, surveys answer issues in the society to have a clear understanding concerning the problems involved.

Experiments. Some of the experiments are conducted in a laboratory and in small groups. In some cases, a two groups are studied for contrasting and comparing. They want to know the significant difference in the attitudes and behavior of certain groups.

Field Observation. Information is primarily gathered through observations and talk within the community. During th period of study, the sociologist will participate in societal activities such as political activities, networks, and functions.

Field observation gives first-hand information about a group of people, but is least reliable method of testing theories. A fact can be true to community A, but cannot be applied to community B. Additionally, there are also outside factors that may influence the the conclusions made.

The study sociology is a group of indisputable conclusions that are diverse. The information is well gathered. Unlike biology and physical sciences, sociology is less precise due to changing human behavior.

Public Sociology

In the last several years, the term “public sociology” has become progressively typical among sociologists. As President of the American Sociological Organization in 2004, Eileen Burawoy motivated sociologists to think beyond the educational custom of discussing our concepts only with other experts in educational publications. Burawoy described public sociology as “a conversation between sociology and publics” which could take on many forms: a weblog like this, which is designed to discuss concepts from sociology to sociologists and non-sociologists as well, for instance; and community activism, where sociologists use theory and analysis outcomes to create social transformation. Even educating our classes can be regarded a way of public sociology; most learners who take sociology programs do not become sociologists, but they are all members of a community. Considering sociologically is a device to analyze our lifestyles and our group more seriously.


Doing “public sociology” provides some difficulties too. First, discussing our analysis beyond the limitations of the self-discipline can mean our outcomes are misunderstood or misstated, sometimes in an attempt to make them easier to comprehend by laypeople. Part of what sociologists do is to try and comprehend these technicalities and to offer detail to daily problems that seem easy. The task of public sociology is to do our best to describe complex problems simply. We want sociological thinking to be part of the story, we just cannot always control how much sociology penetrates in.

We might scale from current analysis, but it is not unusual for journalists to ask us to talk beyond our specialty. A few decades ago, while discussing to a writer about analysis outcomes just like her story, she pointedly said, “you have not responded to my query,” as though I was an elected politician intentionally concealing something from her. We cannot always answer their questions, nor should we if they are too far beyond the opportunity of the analysis we are acquainted with. Another challenge with introducing sociological ideas in a community is that public discussion itself can be harmful, especially when governmental issues are involved. One sociologist who studies governmental motions was a regular target of a talk radio host and even got death threats.

Relevance of a Sociology Degree

How relevant is a Sociology degree? Most of us, when we are considering a major, want to be sure that we can find a job, generate sufficient wage and maybe even make our mark on the world.  Learners often wonder what they can do with a sociology degree and parents may be hesitant to shoulder the bill for the study of sociology.  After all, there are very few well-known sociologists, right?  Actually, many well-known people, both past and present received sociology degrees.

First, let us discuss some sociologists who were well-known for their sociological work.  Ever heard of WEB Du Bois, innovator in civil rights activism, who compared Booker T. Washington’s accommodationist state policies and had written The Souls of Black Folks? What about C. Wright Mills who had written The Power Elite, or Jane Addams, one of the creators of Chicago’s Hull House which offered public solutions to the poor, inner-city residents?  More lately, sociologists such as Lillian Rubin (Worlds of Pain), Barry Glassner (The Culture of Fear) and well-known presenter, journalist, and connection advisor, Pepper Schwartz have obtained well-known interest with work that resonates with the American mind.


Considering going into politics and thinking what a sociology degree will do for you?  Would you be amazed to know that former President Ronald Reagan double majored in sociology and economics?  Or that first lady, Michele Obama, has a bachelor’s degree in sociology?  Considering becoming a member of Congress?  Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), Shirley Chisholm (D-NY), Maxine Waters, (D-CA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Tim Holder (D-PA) are all present or former Congress members.  What about group planning or activism? Then you are in good company. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Roy Wilkins, Ralph David Abernathy, Jesse Jackson, Sr. and the father of community organizing, Saul Alinsky, all had sociology degrees. Sociology is actually an excellent major for individuals with a variety of passions.  Because it concentrates on examining and knowing the world around us, it provides degrees with the capability to view problems from every side, and with the analytic resources to connect personal problems with social and traditional styles.

Sociology Jobs

Sociology is a division of social sciences that uses scientific research to examine specific topic about human social action. Sociologists study advertising, societies, social stratification, business activities, social networking, etc. It becomes difficult to pin point a job that would include these components, but with research, one can find ideal tasks for sociology degrees. Amongst the profession routes “sociologists” can choose include: management, corrections, guidance, research, journalism, politics, advertising, senior solutions, and youth solutions. Many college graduates with sociology degrees go on to work for social and government departments as individual service professionals. The actual authority shades that come with learning sociology are shown when sociologists are required to help classes of people by forming guidelines. Areas can be renewed and remodeled with the help of human services professionals. On average, they make about $50,000 a year.

sociology_jobsAnother job option is to become a consultant or professional. In this job establishing, sociologists use different kinds of design research techniques to help their customers. This helps them understand large styles that may continue to show up among sufferers. They deal with the center of the problem and their main concern is to pay attention to the affected person and let them launch their stress. Therapists focus on particular areas such as profession indecision, alcoholism, wedding problems, etc. They make about $55,000 a year.

Sociology degree graduates with a powerful ability to connect their ideas which can be advantageous to magazines and transmitted information sites. Sociologists know what type of experiences get visitors, listeners, and listeners connected in certain areas. They help balance the different types of information that listeners expect with certain experiences that need to be revealed to maintain the status quo in the area. The title of this job is usually called a Human Resource professional and they usually make about $45,000 a year with opportunity for progression based on their level of skills.

Sociology and Economics

A couple of weeks ago, the Harvard Business Review released a brief content by Ronald H. Coase, 1991 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, where he laments the route that some economic experts have taken in the self-discipline. While, as contextualized by the terminology used in the item, I slightly don’t agree with some of Coase’s justifications, eventually I think my way of considering is more-or-less arranged with his. Mainly, my problem is that he eschews the concept of costs and source allowance, stressing that it’s “static” and too subjective to be useful in program. I don’t agree with the warning that he may be right when it issues certain micro-economists, because to me, the concept of the industry procedure is about anticipating the waves and change. While the concept of source allowance, or what Austrians like to contact the “market procedure,” will take up most of this post’s interest, I also don’t agree with the concept that economic experts ought to offer entrepreneurs with useful decision-making details.


The same relates to business economics and other areas, such as sociology. Financial experts frequently get charged of exercising “economism,” which represents use of business economics to areas or topics that cannot be completely described by economic concept. While these allegations may have basis, the fact is that business economics itself is an area frequently penetrated by other types of the research of man. I see ideas like “spontaneous order” and systems of concept like that offered by the New Institutional economics as proof of the impact of sociology, psychology, etc. In fact, several phenomena which researchers might like to categorize as “economics” can only really be described through the use of various different perspectives and methods.

Diverging momentarily from the main point, the value of history and sociology in describing complicated financial phenomena such as institutional growth and changes in the costs procedure have pressed me to discover concept that people traditionally understand as being well outside of the world of business economics.

Applied Sociology

The discipline of sociology has grappled with several actual problems regarding the objective and application of the career beyond its perceptive desire. Controversy about the public effect of sociology have been traditionally centered on three concerns appropriate to applied sociology – which I determine here as sociology performed outside colleges for particular customers. These concerns are: sociology for what, sociology for whom and sociology for where. We believe sociologists can go out into the world and implement their training to different problems. But what type of problems do they work on and how do they actually bring out the work in different places? People claim that applied sociology is set up as the “other” of educational sociology because of the perspective in which they exercise their art. This prevents sociologists from engaging with one another successfully, and prevents the life changing work they do independently with their specific viewers.

Sociology has progressed from this idealist place, although sociological concepts still guide scientists towards some subjects and institutional causes over others. This query is still appropriate to applied sociologists, as it requires that they ask: who benefits from sociological exercise and how will the information be used in “the actual world”?

In the late 90’s, Angel Mensy suggested that sociologists do not see policy-makers as the main customers of sociological information. This affects the capability for sociologists to take management of how a “sociological consciousness” might be diffused to the wider community. Mensy recognizes that sociology is for everybody; it is not basically an educational art. It should form what currently goes for “common feeling,” eventually changing it with a reflexive strategy to how individuals comprehend their liability to other individuals.

Considering how position impacts sociological analysis is key to the work of applied sociologists. Place can mean place – where the analysis is being performed. It can also speak with the public place (or status) of the specialist and their members or customers in regards to the position where a venture is performed. Sociologists continue to deal with the query of how to do sociology for individuals who are not sociologists, given that the self-discipline is mainly located as an educational area.

Sociology Degrees

Sociology is the study of the relationships between cultures and human groups. This includes the public relationships of lifestyle as well as the effects of socializing on a global scale. Social change, social order and public issue are significant problems in the sociology self-discipline, and graduate students of the system have the ability to apply sociological concepts to actual lifestyle problems. It is a good major if you are interested in seeking professions in criminal justice, business communications, teaching, research, public work and other public service professions.

Students specializing in sociology can either major in common sociology or choose one of the levels offered by the school or college. The sociology levels differ with each academic organization, but each system provides the learners with a wide review of the field. In addition to finishing the needed programs for each focus, sociology degrees must also finish the common primary programs. Some of the needed primary programs may include introduction to sociology, research, social analysis and social psychology. In some institutions, learners may be needed to finish an internship approved by sociology teachers.

Each academic organization groups the sociology degrees in a different way. There are different titles linked to each concentration; however, the overall programs and required programs for degrees in each university, school or college are identical in regards to principles and areas of expertise. As a whole, some sociology degrees are more popular than others and lead to better job possibilities for sociology graduate learners. Here are the top three levels that get ready learners for popular professions later on.

Human Services – The human services concentration makes students for professions in counseling, social work, medical care management, HR and non-profit agency management.

Social Justice – The social justice degree focus on the study of social inequalities. Learners analyze social and governmental issues in relationship with cultural, sex and nationwide departments.

Anthropology – The anthropology focus makes learners for professions in law, human rights, worldwide business, research and graduate student research in anthropology.