Mathematics is Fun

We are all conscious of the inadequate condition of our mathematics education and studying to accomplish a sufficient level of grades in math in our primary education and studying program and the effects that this has on our community, e.g. not enough engineers, who need an advanced stage of mathematics, are being qualified. There are many factors for this circumstance.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhile we know that there are many factors for this, it is crucial that we need to instill interest and passion for mathematics among all the stakeholders engaged with education and studying, such as the parents. This could be a massive process, but it is one that must be performed.

Mathematics is one of the only places of information that can logically be described as “true,” because its theorems are a result of genuine reasoning. Compared with, say chemistry and physics, where there can be discussion or debate about trial outcomes or concepts, mathematics always symbolizes the truth: 7+5 will always equal 12, it cannot be anything else. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying:  “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poems of sensible concepts.”  To some specialized mathematicians, “math is like love, a simple concept, but it can get complex.”  The biggest time in the life of a math wizard is when after he has shown the result, but before he discovers the error. This does not matter; the excitements of getting the outcomes exceeds the frustration of discovering the error and, in any situation, spurs him on to recalculate and again experience the high of a new outcome. Charles Darwin, however, had a rather depressing perspective of mathematics: “: “A math wizard is a sightless man in a black space looking for a black cat which isn’t there.”


Mathematics and Women

Ladies of the past and unfortunately, in the present hear it all the time. Because of their sex, they just cannot do mathematics. And if they can, well, they will never be as good as the men. To put it very generously, this mind-set is not precise, nor is it healthy. Negative generalizations perpetuate a terrible pattern. When flooded with information of their own (allegedly inherited, reasonably false) foibles, girls internalize them. Thus frustrated, they eventually do not execute to the max of their perceptive abilities. Which then gives instructors, parents, and other authority figures “proof” that they should not expect much of their women mathematics learners. That this mind-set continues may directly link with the gradual and struggling growth of women learners specializing in mathematics.

In reality, girls’ abilities and potential for educational accomplishment are no different than boys’. Research confirms that they perform similarly well when getting the identical compliment and support as their male alternatives. Eliminate the generalizations, and we’ll increase the numbers and position of women in mathematics. And fair visibility and knowledge continues to be the biggest way of enhancing this typically marginalized demographics’ information.


It would be a misconception to say that female specialized mathematicians these days benefit from the enthusiastic initiatives and efforts from predecessors. They do, of course, but that announcement only looks into one aspect of these great thinkers’ achievements. The fact is, everyone owes a debt of appreciation to revolutionary females in mathematics. Dedicating themselves to the self-discipline, even if they experienced (or proceed facing) discrimination and dismissal, can motivate anyone of any sex and profession. Their research has also powered mathematics ahead, which in turn, has powered humankind ahead. Although females stay underrepresented in mathematics and relevant sectors, they do not waiver when assisting one another. They form companies and projects to network, provide possibilities, enjoy the most significant titles and motivate more females to decline generalizations and accept number nerdery.

What Mathematics Solves

Some of the problems fixed in mathematics are very appropriate in our day to day actions. When training in mathematics, many learners question the realistic aspect of some of the problems and the importance to the everyday schedule. In Geometry, most of what that is practiced is very realistic and appropriate in day to day lifestyle of various areas. Some careers use geometry relevant problems and without geometry there can be no achievements.

In the army, geometry is in use. When shooting a rocket, geometry is very important so as to hit the designed target. This is either from the floor or from the aircraft. After bombing and ruining various objectives, we need to rebuild and geometry is completely engaged in the development. In the medication area, geometry is appropriate too. Body weight and mass need geometric computations so as to get the needed treatment at the needed stage. Devices used in the healthcare market have geometric factors too. Microscopes, X-Rays and CAT scans use geometry. The lenses in microscopes are created from curves and cynic segments. The tissues being analyzed also have qualities that illustrate geometry in various methods.

Most designs take up different forms and they are very attractive to the sight .Most individuals have no concept of what occurs to be able to come up with the wonderful components. In construction, we use plenty and much geometry at every stage. The construction market depends on geometry right from the developing to the actual construction. Some programs look very complex and it is really amazing to see them become real. Landscaping, water flow and drainage set ups, setting up the framework, roof framework, artwork and all the other actions are geometric. Analytical geometry is not an educational establishing event but something we implement in what we do. There is no need of insinuating that it is difficult to deal with while we are at it in the area.