Intro to Business
Intro to Business is equivalent to a 1 semester, college-level course that prepares individuals for an exam that measures the knowledge and understanding of the foundations, functions, and the contemporary issues of business.
This course is available live and on-demand through the online Nursing , Other Degree , and Individual Course Credits programs.
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Course Type : Credit-By-Exam
Credits: 3 Semester Credits
Category: Business
Course Equivalence: College-Level Business or General Elective
Length: 7 Lectures + 1 Final Exam
Assessments: 1 Exam at a DSST®Testing Facility (120 mins | 100 Questions)
About This Course
This course prepares individuals for a credit-by-exam. The exam covers topics including economic issues; international business; government and business; business ownership; entrepreneurship, and franchise; management process; human resource management; production and operations; marketing management; financial management; risk management and insurance; and management and information systems.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the foundations of business including forms of business ownership, government and business, entrepreneurship, and economics of business.
- Understand the functions of business including management, marketing, finance, accounting, production and operations, management information systems, and human resources.
- Understand the contemporary issues of business including role of e-commerce, business ethics and social responsibility, and the global business environment.
Course Type : Credit-By-Exam
Credits: 3 Semester Credits
Category: Business
Course Equivalence: College-Level Business or General Elective
Length: 7 Lectures + 1 Final Exam
Assessments: 1 Exam at a DSST®Testing Facility (120 mins | 100 Questions)
About This Course
This course prepares individuals for a credit-by-exam. The exam covers topics including economic issues; international business; government and business; business ownership; entrepreneurship, and franchise; management process; human resource management; production and operations; marketing management; financial management; risk management and insurance; and management and information systems.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the foundations of business including forms of business ownership, government and business, entrepreneurship, and economics of business.
- Understand the functions of business including management, marketing, finance, accounting, production and operations, management information systems, and human resources.
- Understand the contemporary issues of business including role of e-commerce, business ethics and social responsibility, and the global business environment.
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