Top Three Characteristics of High Quality Nursing Schools

Choosing the ideal school to earn your nursing degree is very important. The type of nursing school plays an important role in developing professional skills and knowledge needed to practice a nursing career. These Nursing Schools are the foundation of a person’s nursing ability to provide healthcare service to patients. On top of that, a lot of medical institutions opt to employ nurses that came from respected and prestigious nursing schools.

You should be able to distinguish well which school to consider. Among the many nursing school offering nursing degree choose a school that have these qualities. This will be your quick guide in choosing the best nursing school in your area.

Highly qualified faculty members

The school’s Teachers and instructors are the front liners towards molding you to an efficient and well knowledgeable nurse. Some nursing schools have more qualified sets of faculty members compared to other. Choose a school that have high-credential faculty members on their list. A good indicator is membership in the National League for Nursing.


You may want to belong to an educational institution that have earn the proper accreditation in the field of nursing.  Accreditation Bodies like The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), The Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA) and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC).

Nursing Board Exam Passing Rate

An effective nursing education program may be measured on the number of nursing board passers a school have produced. It’s preferable that you choose a nursing school that has a high rate of board passers in five consecutive years. Schools that have high percentage of passing rate often maintain high quality of education. You want to have this kind of quality nursing education to mold you to a highly qualified nursing professional.

Top Two Jobs Nursing Graduates Can Get

Graduation means the end of painstaking formal education and the start of your professional career. Among the many courses offered in the school you choose is a degree in nursing. Now, you’ve probably been wondering what kind of jobs you will get with the Nursing education you got in college.

As a nursing graduate you would want to have a job that is closely related to healthcare. This industry has always been stable and continuously progressing. The demand for healthcare related jobs is also rising.  A career in the field of healthcare requires proper education and professional skills which a lot people don’t have. Fortunately, you got the right education and training that can qualify in this type of industry.

The healthcare industry has a wide scoop of careers that nursing graduates like yourselves can have. If you decided to practice your profession in the field of healthcare here are some of the top jobs you can have:

  1. Hospital Nurses- One of the primary workforce in hospitals are the nurses. They are the ones who assists doctors and physician in doing medical treatments to patients. Nurses are also in-charge of the patient’s recuperation when the doctors is not around. Almost every Hospitals in the world are in need of qualified nursing professionals who can provide medical skills to their institution. A hospital is the best place to build a career if you want to have a top-notch job with your nursing degree.
  2. Part of an Emergency Medical Team (EMT) – Members of an EMT are required to have healthcare related education and training. As a nursing graduate you are qualified to be a Paramedic. If you are an outgoing type of person, this type of career would be very much favorable and enjoyable to your part.

Online LPN RN Bridge Programs Part 2

So you have the idea to become a nurse. Somewhere along the way, you observed that the LPN is the first stage of nursing you can become and a stepping-stone to becoming an RN. Not only can being a nurse be a really emotionally, psychologically and intellectually fulfilling career, but you can also earn quite a comfortable living simultaneously. Few people get into the profession to help earn money; however, several do so out of a new interest in assisting those that are ill. That’s very extensive, as is the want to enhance a person’s very own professional credentials for any purpose.

200559315-001Before determining whether to do LPN programs on the internet or not, you have to first be sure that nursing is the career for you. It needs a ton of effort and dedication and it is not something that every individual is cut out for. Hey, someone needs to say point out things to you. Don’t kill the messenger. That being said, let’s look at the LPN area in general. It seems that there is a great requirement for certified LPN’s all over the world and when you are certified, you will definitely not have any problem in looking for an appropriate work.

In reality, a research indicates that the requirement for medical employees is improving with every passing year. So, the more nursing staff offered, and the far better their credentials, then the more guarantee we have that we will certainly all get far better medical care when we need it. The Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2010-11 mentioned that the common wage for an LPN certified nurse was about $68,000. Right here is the kicker, they determine that declaration with: “whether you have certified through on the internet LPN program or a practical school.” Now, there is another step up the ladder. That is to become an RN. To do that, you have the option of going through an online LPN RN Bridge program. An LPN RN Bridge program can help a current LPN improve his or her position by passing that course.